A Boeing [NYSE:
BA] Delta II rocket successfully deployed two satellites today for
the U.S. Air Force.

GPS IIR-8, a satellite for the Air Force Global Positioning System,
and XSS-10, a demonstration satellite for the Air Force Research
Laboratory, were launched aboard a Delta II 7925-9.5 vehicle.

The rocket lifted off at 1:06 p.m. EST from Space Launch Complex
17B, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla. The mission was completed
in just over an hour.

Since its first military use in Operation Desert Storm, GPS has
increased its use for warfighters. The system is operated by the
U.S. Air Force Space Command.

“We are proud to continue our support of the GPS program and
the expanded role it has taken in supporting our national security,” said
Jay Witzling, vice president and Delta deputy program manager. “We
also look forward to hearing about the progress in satellite technology
with the demonstration of XSS-10.”

XSS-10 is a demonstration spacecraft that will test various functions
of the micro-satellite as well as conduct a visual inspection of
the Delta II second stage. The Air Force Research Laboratory will
use the data for future satellite development.

The next Delta launch is the Defense Satellite Communications System
(DSCS) III A3 mission in February aboard a Delta IV Medium vehicle
from the Cape. It is the first mission for the Air Force’s
Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program.

Boeing Launch Services Inc., based in Huntington Beach, Calif.,
is the sales, marketing and contracting organization that supports
commercial procurement of the Boeing Delta and Sea Launch rocket
families. BLS also supports business development and contracting
of Delta launch vehicle sales to the U.S. government.

A unit of The Boeing Company, Integrated Defense Systems is one
of the world’s largest space and defense businesses. Headquartered
in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $23 billion
business. It provides systems solutions to its global military, government
and commercial customers. It is a leading provider of intelligence,
surveillance and reconnaissance; the world’s largest military aircraft
manufacturer; the world’s largest satellite manufacturer and a leading
provider of space-based communications; the primary systems integrator
for U.S. missile defense; NASA’s largest contractor; and a global
leader in launch services.