Boeing today announced several major changes to its
corporate architecture: elevating three senior business unit executives to chief executive officers,
setting plans for a new, leaner corporate center focused on shareholder value and moving its
headquarters to a new location.

“We are continuing the transformation of this company to focus on creating value for our
shareholders,” said Phil Condit, Boeing chairman and chief executive officer. “A key element of this
transformation is establishing a corporate architecture that continues the attention on operational
performance improvements and invests capital wisely in new growth opportunities. Simply put, we
intend to run Boeing as a business that has the flexibility to move capital and talent to the
opportunities that maximize shareholder value.”

In a press conference in Washington, D.C., Condit explained that the current leaders of Boeing’s
three largest operating units are now promoted to chief executive officers. They are:

  • Alan Mulally, president and CEO, Commercial Airplanes, Seattle
  • Jerry Daniels, president and CEO, Military Aircraft and Missile Systems, St. Louis
  • Jim Albaugh, president and CEO, Space and Communications, Seal Beach, Calif.

    “Alan, Jerry and Jim are some of the most talented executives in business today. They are running
    multi-billion dollar businesses that are Boeing’s near term engines to create shareholder value,”
    Condit said. “The new roles for these leaders are an essential next step in our corporate
    transformation. This change will give them more freedom to deliver the operational improvements
    and seize the growth opportunities facing their businesses. These executives will provide the
    leadership for Boeing’s extensive involvement in the communities in which we do business.”

    Boeing also will establish a new, lean corporate center focused on shareholder value.

    “We intend to take a more global view of opportunities to increase shareholder value,” Condit said.
    “Our lean corporate staff will focus on new business opportunities for Boeing while our business
    unit leaders focus on continuing operational improvements. Boeing has a wealth of opportunities in
    our new definition of the aerospace industry. Our new corporate architecture will help us capture

    In the last six months Boeing has begun to redefine aerospace by: establishing a communications
    business, Connexion by BoeingSM ; acquiring Jeppesen as the hub of an information services
    business; putting increased emphasis on its financial services, Boeing Capital Corporation; and
    setting up a business to transform the world’s air traffic management and control systems to
    improve safety, convenience and capacity.

    The company’s new corporate center will be established at a new location. “As we’ve grown, we
    have determined that our headquarters needs to be in a location central to all our operating units,
    customers and the financial community – but separate from our existing operations,” he said. “The
    role of the new, leaner corporate center will be to seek new growth opportunities around the globe.
    Our newly promoted business unit leaders will have greater freedom to serve their customers,
    develop partnerships, grow, and create additional value for our shareholders and growth
    opportunities for our employees.”

    Boeing is seeking to locate its new headquarters in a culturally diverse city that: offers ready access
    to global markets, provides a strong pro-business environment, and allows easy access to major
    Boeing operations and customers.

    Boeing has three metropolitan areas under consideration for its world headquarters: Chicago,
    Dallas/Ft. Worth and Denver. The company hopes to have site selection made by early summer
    and have an operational center in its new headquarters by fall. Boeing expects that the new
    corporate center will have less than half the 1,000 employees currently working in the Seattle

    “The organizational changes are effective immediately, and we are moving swiftly into site selection
    for the new headquarters. These bold, strategic moves are further steps in Boeing’s continuing
    transformation,” Condit said.