Alliance Includes Exclusive Programming on AOL, Special Content in TIME For Kids

Boeing and AOL Time
Warner Inc. today announced a marketing alliance that will engage
people from around the world in the development of a new airplane, the Boeing
7E7. The Boeing 7E7 is a super-efficient, mid-sized airplane that is expected
to enter service in 2008.

As part of this joint effort, Boeing and AOL Time Warner are unveiling
several online and offline initiatives designed to engage consumers in the
development of the new plane.

To kick off the campaign, AOL members will have exclusive online access to
a 360-degree animated tour of the new airplane for 30 days before it is
available to the general public. This is part of a comprehensive feature on
AOL celebrating “100 Years of Flight” (AOL Keyword: 100 Years of Flight).
AOL’s “100 Years of Flight” celebration also offers a retrospective photo
gallery showing highlights from the past 100 years of aviation.

People from around the world are able to participate in the “Name Your
Plane” effort and have the opportunity to select from four possibilities for
the name of the new plane Dreamliner, eLiner, Global Cruiser and
Stratoclimber. Votes can be placed through AOL (AOL Keyword: Boeing) or on
the World Wide Web at and . AOL
members and non-members in China, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom
and the United States can also participate in a sweepstakes* to win prizes.

Rob Pollack, vice president of Branding for Boeing Commercial Airplanes
Marketing, said the new marketing approach and alliance with AOL Time Warner
opens up a whole new world of opportunity for Boeing to understand the
priorities and needs of the flying public.

“You can expect to see a whole new approach to how we tell the world about
the airplane and encourage participation and feedback in the work we are
doing,” Pollack said. “We are looking at our new airplane as an opportunity
to change the way we do business.”

Naming the airplane is just the first step of involvement for those who
volunteer to be part of the World Design Team, a virtual community that those
who go to the sweepstakes site will be able to join. Members of the team will
be provided with future opportunities to participate in the development of the
Boeing 7E7, including surveys concerning design elements and sneak peeks as
the design of the exterior and interior evolves.

In addition, Boeing and AOL Time Warner are making a special effort to
involve children in the naming of the airplane. A special TFK Extra issue of
TIME For Kids, which reaches more than 2 million students in grades four
through six, features the history of flight, introduces kids to the Boeing 7E7
and invites them to help name the new plane. The special issue, “A New Dream
Takes Wing,” will be in classrooms across the United States beginning today.

“Boeing has a long history of supporting education, so it’s natural that
they would provide educators with a rich resource to engage kids in a
celebration of a century of flight and involve them in the excitement of a new
plane,” said Leanna Landsmann, president of TIME For Kids. “Teachers know
that this issue will be a ‘keeper’ in kids’ scrapbooks for years to come,
because kids love airplanes and all they represent.”

“We expect a lot of entries into the Name Your Plane effort,” Landsmann
added. “Who wouldn’t want to win a chance to co-pilot a Boeing airplane at
Boeing’s full-motion Flight Simulator? All of us at TFK are proud to partner
with the world’s leader in commercial aviation to introduce kids to the next
century of flight.”

Terry Crane, vice president of Education and Family Products for AOL,
said, “Many AOL members have a strong interest in aviation, so the opportunity
to be the first to see the online animation of the Boeing 7E7 is something we
know will excite them. Our 100 Years of Flight feature combines a compelling
look at the new airplane with detailed information about the aircraft and an
overview of milestones in aviation history. What better way to show the world
a new airplane?”

About Boeing

The Boeing Company is the world’s leading aerospace company, with its
heritage mirroring the history of flight. It is the largest manufacturer of
satellites, commercial jetliners and military aircraft. The company is also a
global market leader in missile defense, human space flight and launch
services. In terms of sales, Boeing is the largest exporter in the United
States. Total company revenues for 2002 were $54.1 billion.

About AOL Time Warner

AOL Time Warner is the world’s leading media and entertainment company,
whose businesses include interactive services, cable systems, filmed
entertainment, television networks, music and publishing.

  • For Official Rules, go to AOL Keyword: Boeing or on the Web at

    Boeing 7E7 site: /