Bioscrypt Inc. (TSE:BYT), a leading provider of
biometric authentication solutions, announced today that the Triana Science
and Operations Center (TSOC), a NASA funded facility at the University of
California in San Diego, is using Bioscrypt’s advanced biometric technology to
control physical access and provide security for their operations.

In January 2001, TSOC, a part of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
installed eight units of Bioscrypt’s V-Pass, one for every entry point and
office. The facility uses the V-Pass readers in conjunction with door
controllers to protect the offices and work areas of employees engaged in
developing a leading edge Earth imaging spacecraft. The spacecraft will
transmit data back to TSOC, where it will be processed to provide scientists
throughout the world with new insights into how our planet’s climate works as
an integrated system.

“TSOC interfaces directly with NASA computers, so security is very
important,” said R.B. Smith, TSOC Operations Manager. “After extensive
research, we decided that biometrics, especially fingerprint scanning
technology, was our best security option and that Bioscrypt was the premiere

The V-Pass is a state-of-the-art biometric reader for physical access
control installations. The reader eliminates the need for personal
identification numbers (PINs), keys or cards to gain access to secure areas,
by using highly secure fingerprint scanning technology. To gain access, the
user simply places their finger on the reader and in less than one second the
V-Pass confirms or denies access based on a database of fingerprints from
authorized users. The V-Pass performs enrollment, identification and template
storage for 200 users, all within a small ergonomic case.

“In addition to security, Bioscrypt’s V-Pass meets our other main need –
ease of use,” continued Smith. “Several senior level University and NASA
officials need access to our site. The last thing we wanted was for these
individuals to search for pass cards or try to remember a PIN. It just wasn’t
a sensible option. They need to come and go with minimal hassle. The V-Pass
allows them access with a swipe of their finger and it is much more secure
than using a pass card or PIN because those things can be loaned or shared – a
fingerprint can’t.”

“More and more companies are looking to biometrics to provide high levels
of physical access security,” said Pierre Donaldson, president and CEO,
Bioscrypt Inc. “V-Pass ensures fast and easy fingerprint identification for
access control – it takes less than one second – in a high security
environment. No keys, cards or PINs are required. TSOC is the first customer
to use V-Pass and a solid example of growing industry acceptance of

About Triana Science and Operations Centre (TSOC)

Triana Science and Operations Centre (TSOC) is a NASA funded facility
built in June 2000 and is part of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at
the University of California in San Diego (UCSD). Triana is a mission
dedicated to helping scientists construct more accurate models of Earth’s
climate and answering a key Earth Science question– how solar radiation
affects climate.

About Bioscrypt Inc.

Bioscrypt Inc. (TSE:BYT) is a leading provider of fingerprint-based
biometric solutions to organizations requiring a high level of security for
network, wireless and physical access. Bioscrypt provides strong
authentication through the use of a robust pattern recognition algorithm that
is used to bind a user’s credentials to their biometric, such as a
fingerprint. Bioscrypt’s biometric solutions are designed to enhance end user
convenience and reduce password management costs. Bioscrypt brands its
technology as “bioscrypt on board(TM)”, which signifies that Bioscrypt Inc.’s
high standards of biometric quality and security reside within that product.
For more information on Bioscrypt, visit the Company’s Web site at

Forward-looking (safe harbour) statement

Statements made in this news release that relate to future plans, events
or performances are forward-looking statements. Any statement containing words
such as “believes”, “plans”, “expects” or “intends” and other statements which
are not historical facts contained in this release are forward-looking, and
these statements involve risks and uncertainties and are based on current
expectations. Consequently, actual results could differ materially from the
expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements.

Bioscrypt and Bioscrypt Inc. are trademarks of Bioscrypt Inc. All other
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