SEDS?Canada (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space) is excited to announce its second annual conference, Ascension 2016. The conference will be hosted by its local chapter, the Space Society of London, at the University of Western Ontario on March 5th and 6th, and will attract over 50 students from Western and other universities and schools in the region.

Our goal is to empower aspiring students with the skills and resources they need to join and grow the space industry and so our conference is designed for students. Our two?day conference is packed with talks from over 15 speakers in 4 sessions: Training for Space, Space Technology, Space Entrepreneurship, and Opportunities for Students.

More than the average student conference, Ascension 2016 will also host:

– Young Space Leaders Roundtable ? a round of student presentations followed by moderated panel discussions on the future of the space sector from students’ perspectives and the roles played by themselves and SEDS?Canada. The panel will be a mix of student leaders and guest speakers.

– Young Space Entrepreneurs Competition ? unique to Canada’s space sector, this is a business plan competition for students at Canadian schools with a focus on space. In our pilot year, the top 3 winners will be awarded cash prizes of $500, $250 and $100. These prizes are sponsored by the Canadian Space Commerce Association, the Ivey Institute for Entrepreneurship, and the Canadian Space Society respectively.

– SkyPixels ? our astrophotography competition, whose winner will be awarded a $100 cash prize.

– Elections for the 2016?7 Board of Directors at SEDS?Canada. Interested students may visit to learn more.

– A social event on Saturday night where winners will be announced.

Exhibition tables will be set up for our sponsors: the Centre for Planetary Science & Exploration, the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies, the International Space University, and Argo of Ontario Drive and Gear. This and several opportunities to network with speakers from companies such as MDA, Canadensys Aerospace, SkyWatch, and Open Space Orbital will also allow students to explore several career options.

At a registration cost of $30 for students and $60 for others (meals included) after Feb 27, Ascension 2016 is the premier platform for students and enthusiasts to affordably interact and develop professional relationships with experts from the space sector.

Visit our conference website for the latest updates:

About SEDS?Canada
SEDS?Canada is the only national, student?run, non?profit committed to supporting and empowering student space enthusiasts, advancing the Canadian space sector, and promoting the peaceful exploration and development of space. It is a chapter?based organization with 8 chapters at the University of Toronto, University of Western Ontario, York University, McGill University, University of Guelph, University of Victoria, and Lisgar Collegiate Institute.

SEDS is an international movement dedicated to promoting public interest in space. Countries with active SEDS groups include the USA, the UK and India.

Media Contacts:
Kaizad Raimalwala
Chair, SEDS?Canada Board of Directors
+1 (647) 668?6525

Ian Mulholland
Chair, Ascension 2016
President, Space Society of London
+1 (519) 909?9583

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