Created in 1980, Arianespace was the world’s first commercial launch services company. At this year’s Paris Air Show, it will spotlight its position as the world’s leading supplier of launch Service & Solutions.

Leading the pack in 2006 and 2007

In 2006 Arianespace successfully launched five Ariane 5 ECAs, placing ten communications satellites and one technology experiment into geostationary transfer orbit. Moreover, as part of a cooperation program with Russia, Arianespace and Starsem launched the MetOp-A using a Soyuz 2-1a, and Corot on a Soyuz 2-1b.

Since the beginning of 2007, Arianespace has carried out two Ariane 5 ECA missions, orbiting four communications satellites. Starsem launched four satellites for the Globalstar constellation on a single Soyuz mission.

Arianespace once again confirmed its world leadership in the launch Service & Solutions market, by signing 12 new launch contracts in 2006. In 2007, Arianespace has already signed 7 contracts to date and a multi-launch framework contract, bringing the total to 286 since it was founded in March 1980. Arianespace now has a backlog of 40 satellites to be launched – which does not include payloads of the multi-launch contract. It is by far the largest in the industry.

Healthy financial position

Arianespace posted sales of 983 million euros in 2006, generating net income of 6.3 million euros. The company was in the black for the fourth year in a row.

Ariane 5, the benchmark

Since 2003, with a total of 18 successful launches in a row – 9 with Ariane 5 ECA, the European launcher has amply confirmed its technical maturity. Ariane 5 is the only commercial launcher now on the market capable of simultaneously launching two payloads, giving customers greater performance, flexibility and competitiveness.

Ariane 5 launchers are now operated in a standard configuration, allowing the company to guarantee unmatched reliability for its customers. In addition, the industrial organization has been clarified, with production now the responsibility of a single supplier, EADS Astrium.

Upcoming launches

The next launch is slated for August 14, with an Ariane 5 ECA used to orbit the Spaceway 3 and Bsat-3a satellites. Three more Ariane 5 launches are planned by the end of 2007.

Starsem has planned two more commercial Soyuz launches from Baikonur by the end of the year: the first, during the summer, will orbit four more satellites for the Globalstar constellation.

Soyuz and Vega at the Guiana Space Center

Civil engineering work is continuing on the Soyuz launch complex at the Guiana Space Center. Production of Russian equipment is under way, and both of the two Soyuz versions to be operated there (Soyuz 2-1a and 2-1b) have been flight-qualified at Baikonur. The first Russian teams will be welcomed to Sinnamary by the end of the year, to install the metallic infrastructures on the launch pad. The first Soyuz launch from the Guiana Space Center is planned for early 2009.

The Vega light launcher program has passed major milestones with the first ground test firings of the P80, Zephiro 23 and Zephiro 9 stages. Construction of the mobile gantry at the Guiana Space Center is under way. The first commercial Vega launch from is planned for 2009.