Washington, D.C., December 6, 2004 – Arianespace, Inc. today announced the
appointment of Aaron Lewis as its Director of Media and Government
Relations, based in Washington, D.C.

Lewis will handle U.S. public and media relations for the world’s leading
commercial launch services provider, as well as direct the company’s
interactions with Congress.

Prior to joining Arianespace, Inc., Lewis was a press secretary and
legislative assistant for U.S. Representative Dana Rohrabacher – who is
Chairman of the Space and Aeronautics subcommittee. Lewis graduated from St.
John’s College Annapolis, Maryland where he studied the History of Math and
Science, and Philosophy.

“Aaron is a valuable addition to our staff, and he brings extensive
experience with both the news media and Congress,” said Clayton Mowry,
President of Arianespace, Inc.

Arianespace, Inc. was established in 1982, and is a key element of
Arianespace’s international presence. Approximately one-fourth of the more
than 250 launch services contracts signed by Arianespace since its creation
in 1980 are with U.S. organizations, and at least half involve U.S.-built