Kourou, July 13 , 2001. At a press conference, held this morning in Kourou,
Jean-Marie Luton, Chairman and CEO of Arianespace confirmed the first data
analysis from the Ariane 510 launcher (flight 142) and announced the
appointment of an independent inquiry board.

A lower than expected orbit

Jean-Marie Luton confirmed the orbital parameters after Flight 142: 17 528
km apogee, 592 km perigee and 2,9 degrees inclination for a targeted orbit
of 35 853 km apogee, 858 km perigee and 2 degrees inclination.

A propulsion anomaly of the storable propellant second stage (EPS) that
occurred in the beginning of its propulsive phase has caused this lower than
expected orbit. The first stages EAP-EPC performed under nominal conditions.
The two customers have confirmed that they had taken control over their
satellites which were put in a safe mode.

Data analysis and inquiry board

The telemetry data recorded during the flight are currently being analyzed.
Jean-Marie Luton has announced the creation of an independent inquiry board.
The list of its members will be announced on Monday, July 16 and a first
report is expected for August 1. The inquiry board will analyse the cause of
the anomaly and propose the appropriate corrective measures, if necessary.

Next information

According to its openness policy, Arianespace will communicate on a regular
basis on the progress of the work of the board in close relationship with
its customers. A press meeting will be convened in the days following the
preliminary conclusions of the board, in the beginning of August.

Arianespace launches continue

The next launch, Flight 143, is slated during the night of August 23 to 24 ,
from the Guiana Space Center, Europe’s Spaceport: an Ariane 44L will boost
into orbit the telecommunications satellite Intelsat 902.