Flight 164’s heavy-lift Ariane 5 ECA is in the ELA-3 launch zone at the
Spaceport, where a full-scale countdown rehearsal will be conducted tomorrow
(January 12).

The Ariane 5 rolls out of the Final Assembly Building at the Spaceport in
French Guiana.

Transfer of the launcher occurred on schedule this morning, with the Ariane
5 ECA rolling out from the Final Assembly Building at 10:45 a.m. under clear
French Guiana skies. It arrived in the launch zone at 11:30 a.m., and was
secured in place on the pad.

Tomorrow’s rehearsal will provide a validation of the final launch campaign
procedures, including fueling of the heavy-lift Ariane 5 and performing the
countdown to just before engine ignition.

A successful completion of the rehearsal will be followed by Ariane 5’s
return to the Final Assembly Building, where the launcher will be fitted
with the XTAR-EUR telecommunications satellite and a multi-element
supplemental payload.

Liftoff of Flight 164 is targeted for February 11.