The launch of Flight 144 with Eutelsat’s Atlantic BirdTM 2 satellite is on
track for the evening of September 25 following today’s successful launch
readiness review.

Held at the Spaceport in French Guiana, the review evaluated the launch
readiness of the Ariane 4 vehicle and its Atlantic BirdTM 2 payload, as well
as the status of the Spaceport and the downrange tracking stations.

The launch readiness review’s successful completion clears the way for the
startup of Ariane 4 fueling in the morning hours on Monday, September 24.
Liftoff of Flight 144 is set for the following day during a 57-minute launch
window that opens at 7:32 p.m. local time.

Atlantic BirdTM 2 will be the 15th Eutelsat satellite launched by an Ariane

Flight 144 uses an Ariane 44P version of the Ariane 4 family, which is
equipped with four solid propellant strap-on boosters. The mission will be
the 15th – and final – flight of an Ariane 44P in the Ariane 4 family’s
operational career.