How did we get here? Are we alone? These tantalizing
questions are addressed in two free, public lectures called
“The Hunt for Earthlike Planets,” at NASA’s Jet Propulsion
Laboratory on Thurs., November 29, and at Pasadena City
College on Fri., November 30.

Dr. Charles Beichman, chief scientist of astronomy and
physics at JPL, will discuss NASA’s Origins Program, a series
of missions on the ground and in space designed to find
planets orbiting other stars that might harbor life.

Scientists will hunt for planets with the same conditions
that make Earth such a cozy habitat for life — water, the
right temperature, size, density and chemistry. With current
technology, we can find very large planets, which probably
don’t have life. The Origins program is developing powerful
new telescopes to find smaller, Earthlike planets in a similar
“Goldilocks zone” around other stars — not too hot, too cold,
too big or too small. Sophisticated instruments will look for
the telltale chemical signatures of life.

“We are looking initially for simple forms of life”
Beichman said, “but with this information we will be able to
assess the chances of someday finding intelligent life
elsewhere in the universe.”

Beichman continues to serve as chief scientist for the
Origins Program at JPL. Previously, he was director of the
Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, NASA’s premier
institute for infrared astronomy, jointly operated by JPL and
the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Beichman
also headed JPL’s astronomy program in the mid 1980s. He
graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College, Cambridge,
Mass. He received masters’ degrees in astronomy and physics,
and a PhD in astronomy from the University of Hawaii,
Honolulu. Beichman has been honored with two NASA awards and
has published more than 150 scientific and popular articles.

Both lectures begin at 7 p.m. Seating is on a first-
come, first-served basis. The lecture will also be Webcast on
Thurs., Nov. 29, at 7 p.m. Pacific time. The lecture at JPL,
located at 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, off the Oak Grove
Drive exit of the 210 (Foothill) Freeway, will be held in the
von Karman Auditorium. The Friday lecture will be held in
Pasadena City College’s Forum at 1570 E. Colorado Blvd.

For more information, call (818) 354-5011. Information
on the von Karman lecture and Webcast is available at . JPL, a
NASA center, is a division of Caltech.