Snecma Moteurs has entered into contract to
provide satellite plasma thrusters to Alcatel Space. Snecma Moteurs plasma
thrusters will be utilized on most future Spacebus 4100 platforms, the most
powerful geostationary platforms manufactured by Alcatel Space.

“We are very pleased with the signature of this long term agreement and our
participation in the Alcatel Space platform with our Russian partner Fakel.
We have made great strides to ensure our plasma product line is both of the
highest quality and affordable” said Jean Paul Herteman, Vice President and
General Manager Rocket Engines, Snecma Moteurs.

“This contract ensures the long-term future of plasma propulsion on
Spacebus platforms,” noted Jean Claude Husson, President and CEO of Alcatel
Space: “Plasma propulsion technology was developed within the scope of the
Stentor program, in collaboration with Snecma Moteurs. It offers
significant weight savings, of at least several hundred kilos per
satellite, and considerably increases thruster efficiency”.

In 2001, Snecma Moteurs will nearly double its orders of both chemical and
electric satellite engines. The greatest increase in production will be in
the plasma product line where thrusters and propulsion systems have already
been selected by operators worldwide.

About Alcatel

Alcatel (Paris: CGEP.PA and NYSE: ALA) builds next generation networks,
delivering integrated end-to-end voice and data networking solutions to
established and new carriers, as well as enterprises and consumers
worldwide. With 130,000 employees and sales of EURO 31 billion in 2000,
Alcatel operates in more than 130 countries.

About Alcatel Space

Alcatel Space ranks among the world’s leading space systems prime
contractors. Leveraging its dual expertise in civil and military
applications, Alcatel Space develops satellite technology solutions for
telecommunications, navigation, optical and radar observation, meteorology,
and scientific applications. Alcatel Space established its world leadership
in satellite orders in 2000, winning the most orders for geostationary
communications satellites, with a total of 10 satellites (27% of the

A fully-owned subsidiary of Alcatel (100%), Alcatel Space generated 2000
revenues of 1.4 billion euros and has 6,000 employees.

About Snecma Moteurs

Snecma Moteurs is one of the world’s leading aerospace propulsion
companies, and the only one to offer a complete range of civil and military
powerplants developing from just a few grams of thrust to nearly 1.5
million pounds. In the space sector, Snecma Moteurs rocket engines are used
on all launch vehicles stages, as well as boosters. In addition to
supplying the rocket engines for Ariane 4 and Ariane 5, Snecma Moteurs
supplies propulsion systems for both strategic and tactical missiles, as
well as satellite attitude and orbit control.