Advanced Space LLC., a leading high-tech space solutions company, announced its presence in New Mexico. The expansion supports the growing aerospace industry and  innovation sphere in the Rocky Mountain Region.

Advanced Space selected Q-Station in Albuquerque, for their flexible local office location. Q-Station is a research and development space tech hub, a natural fit for Advanced Space, as this growing small business has doubled its workforce in the last year. The New Mexico presence will also enhance the efforts of Advanced Space with partners such as the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), where they have a current Cooperative Research And Development Agreement (CRADA) providing cislunar space data from the upcoming CAPSTONE mission.

“We are proud to have Advanced Space join Q Station and look forward to working with them to help it continue to grow,” said Alberto Solis, Q Station Program & Operations Director. “In addition to our unique workspace, we can offer Advanced Space, and other member companies, direct connections to potential government customers and the growing space eco-system here in New Mexico, the United States and abroad.”

Advanced Space is recently most known for its pathfinding CAPSTONE mission for NASA set to launch this month. CAPSTONE, Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment, will be leading America’s return to the Moon and demonstrating key lunar navigation technologies. The cislunar savvy company, has a command of the unique challenges of space domain awareness, navigation, and communications in this critical area.

 “Q Station embodies many similar core values of Advanced Space centered around enabling the development of a sustainable space industry,” said Bradley Cheetham, CEO of Advanced Space. “The focus on growing a collaborative space community in New Mexico resonates with us and is the foundation for long-term partnerships and collaboration. We are particularly thrilled to have a local base from which to continue our work supporting AFRL.” 

About Advanced Space

Advanced Space, a non-traditional space prime contractor supports the exploration, development, and settlement of space through software and services that leverage unique subject matter expertise to improve the fundamentals of spaceflight. Advanced Space is dedicated to improving flight dynamics, technology development, and expedited turn-key missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. Check out the CAPSTONE mission.

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