Astrobiology is rapidly changing, witnessing significant scientific, technological, and programmatic advances in the human quest to find evidence of life beyond Earth.


A new congressionally mandated report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine examines the state of the science of astrobiology as it relates to the search for life in the solar system and extrasolar planetary systems. Specifically, the report outlines key scientific questions and technology challenges in the field, identifies most promising research goals in the search for signs of life, and makes recommendations for advancing research.


The report will be released at a public briefing Wednesday, Oct. 10. Participating from the committee that wrote the report:

  • Barbara Sherwood Lollar (committee chair), professor at the University of Toronto
  • Alan Boss, research staff member, Carnegie Institution for Science

Those who cannot attend in person may watch a live webcast of the briefing here.

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