Recommendations to update the launch safety approval process for spacecraft using nuclear power sources

1.      Approve the draft National Security Presidential Memorandum regarding “Launch of Spacecraft Containing Space Nuclear Systems.”


Recommendations on exploration and international cooperation

1.      Within 60 days, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Administrator will designate an office and submit a plan to the Chairman of the National Space Council for sustainable lunar surface exploration and development, including necessary technologies and capabilities, to enable initial human missions to Mars.

2.     NASA and the Department of State will continue joint efforts to engage international partners in identifying prospective cooperation involving the 2024 Moon landing and subsequent activities around and on the Moon. Lunar surface operations will be NASA’s top priority for international cooperation.

3.     At the next Council meeting, the NASA Administrator will present a plan to stabilize the Space Launch System and Orion programs and prevent future cost and schedule overruns. The plan will include the current projected launch windows for the first two launches of these vehicles.

4.     At the next Council meeting, Council members will report on support to NASA in implementing Space Policy Directive-1.


Recommendations on commercial space and industrial base issues


1.      NASA will facilitate the development of commercial or public-private successors to the International Space Station to reduce the agency’s long-term costs and ensure the United States has uninterrupted access to facilities in low Earth orbit.

2.     At the next Council meeting, the NASA Administrator will report on potential lunar resources to support sustainable lunar activities and science opportunities that could involve commercial partners.

3.     Within 90 days, the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the National Space Council staff, will report to the Council on the drivers of and impediments to the health and international competitiveness of the United States commercial space sector, including proposals to strengthen United States commercial space leadership.

4.     Within 90 days, the Secretary of Commerce will report to the President, through the National Space Council staff, on the authorization of commercial space operations not currently regulated by any other Federal agency; and, in coordination with the Secretary of Transportation, provide a roadmap to enable all current and evolving United States commercial space activities to receive authorization under appropriate Federal regulatory frameworks.

5.     Within 180 days, the National Space Council staff, in consultation with National Space Council members and the Users’ Advisory Group, will present to the Chairman of the National Space Council a Moon-Mars Development Strategy that includes low-Earth orbit commercialization, robotic and human exploration, national security capabilities, and international cooperation for science, safety, security, and economic growth.


Recommendations on NASA acquisition and workforce reform

1.      At the next Council meeting, the Secretary of Defense and the NASA Administrator will report to the Council on efforts to mitigate, as appropriate, industrial base barriers and constraints, up to and including submission of a DX rating package, consistent with requirements of the Defense Production Act, to accomplish the 2024 human lunar landing mission.

2.     At the next Council meeting, the NASA Administrator, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, and the Director of the Office of Management and
Budget will report, as appropriate, on the status of workforce modernization efforts to address the barriers in Federal statute, regulations, policies, or practices that impede NASA’s ability to deliver on its critical mission requirements.