Canadian space launch services company SpaceHorizon announces that its engineers have completed a pre-phase A design of its LV1 medium sized launch vehicle, slated to begin service for commercial flight starting in 2024.

Capable of delivering 800 kg to 500 km in sun synchronous orbit, the LV1 seeks to fill market needs for larger/medium constellation payloads that will be coming on line in the next decade. More information and a representational look of the vehicle can be found on SpaceHorizon’s website.

Further design reviews are required, but the high level questions are now answered providing both a clearer path forward for the company and specifications for customers to consider as they design their space related projects.

SpaceHorizon will launch the vehicle from the Canadian eastern seaboard, giving Canada a native launch capability and international customers a Canadian option to deliver their product to space.

Additional launch sites will be made available outside of Canada to permit access to different orbital inclinations.

“SpaceHorizon is an ambitious project to get Canada launching into space” says Philip Berthiaume, founder of SpaceHorizon. “This is a first of many steps toward the goal of capturing a part of what is going to become the massive and new space economy”.

About SpaceHorizon:

SpaceHorizon is a Canadian firm providing transportation to space. With a developing portfolio including commercial and native-built options for launching anything from PocketQubes to 1000 kilograms into orbit, the company’s ultimate goal is build a 100 percent Canadian vehicle to be launched from Canadian territory. SpaceHorizon’s axiom is “Reach Higher Canada” and believes that Canada must have a direct role in accessing space.

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