Fino Mornasco (CO), 18 October 2017: D-Orbit is proud to announce that they have signed a binding agreement with Sky and Space Global (SAS), a satellite company with European and Israeli centers of Aerospace, Satellite and Software Industry Experts, to provide launch and deployment services for the upcoming roll-out of the SAS nanosatellite constellation.

D-Orbit offers a unique launch and deployment service specifically tailored for nanosatellites which will allow SAS to maximize the operational capabilities and potential revenue generation for their upcoming constellation. Following the industry-leading success of the first phone call in space facilitated by nanosatellites, Sky and Space Global is planning to launch a constellation of 200 nano-satellites by 2020. The constellation will provide full coverage of the equatorial areas of South America, Central Africa, and Southeast Asia.

Sky and Space Global unveiled the design of the ‘Pearls’, its new generation of nanosatellites which will be launching into space, during the 68th International Astronautical Congress in Adelaide, Australia. The first Pearls Nanosats will be launched in 2018 and are designed to achieve SAS’ ultimate goal of providing affordable communication services around the world. The satellites will be controlled by a proprietary network management software platform enabling the constellation to automatically manage, monitor, and control its motions in orbit.

D-Orbit will support the launch and deployment of the nanosatellites in space via its ‘InOrbit NOW’ services. Through precision deployment and fast dispersion, D-Orbit aims to allow space missions to start faster, and in optimal operational conditions.

Meir Moalem, CEO of Sky and Space Global said:

“This partnership demonstrates our strong commitment to launching our constellation of nanosatellites by 2020 and working with the best in the industry to deliver on our promises to investors and shareholders. We are very excited about the partnership with D-Orbit and we look forward to working together to launch the full Pearls Nanosat constellation and providing affordable communication services to anyone, anytime, anywhere.”

Luca Rossettini, D-Orbit’s CEO, commented:

“In D-Orbit we believe in people and long-term partnerships. SAS is building a disruptive business delivering benefit to the worldwide population, and this agreement is an important milestone for D-Orbit and the first stone paving a long, shared path. The affinity of principle, the complementarity of our businesses and especially the common intent for a better world will guide our steps towards a brighter future: for D-Orbit, for SAS and the entire planet Earth”.

About D-Orbit

D-Orbit is an Italian space systems company providing solutions for satellite design, development, launch, deployment, commissioning and decommissioning. Founded in 2011, D-Orbit currently employs approximately 35 people. The firm is based in Milan, Italy with subsidiaries in Washington, DC, and Lisbon, Portugal.

D-Orbit’s business model revolves around products and services that are profitable, create value for the customer, and have a proven social benefit and a positive impact on the environment. To do so, the company looks for ways to streamline every phase of a satellite mission with components and services that simplify spacecraft design, increase reliability, improve the use of mission resources, reduce operational costs, and extend the revenue-generating phase of a space mission.

About Sky and Space Global Ltd

Sky and Space Global Ltd is an ASX listed (SAS) satellite company with European and Israeli centres of Aerospace, Satellite and Software Industry Experts.

The Company’s core business is to operate a communications infrastructure based on nanosatellite technology and develop highly sophisticated software systems that will deploy, maintain orbit control and handle the communication network in space to provide a global coverage. The Company successfully launched its first three nanosatellites, the ‘3 Diamonds’, into space in June 2017 and is preparing for the launch of a constellation of 200 more nano-satellites by 2020. The Company’s vision is to provide affordable nano-satellite communication coverage to anyone, anywhere with relatively low maintenance costs. This will enable Sky and Space Global to deliver cost-effective communications infrastructure and services to the telecommunications and international transport industries. Sky and Space Global Ltd owns 100% of Sky and Space Global (UK) Limited.

To get in touch with us, please contact:

Caterina Cazzola
Communication Office
+39 02 3792 0900
+39 340 2840 792