An Introductory Astrobiology Course will be co-organized by several french institutions and the Erasmus + “European Astrobiology Campus”, from 7 to 13 February 2016 in Teich Ornithological Park (near Bordeaux, France)

This course is aimed at:

– any French or French-speaking PhD student in Astronomy, Earth Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Life Sciences, Bioinformatics or History / Philosophy of Science.

– any European student, Master or PhD student, from the universities part of EAC: Bordeaux (F), Open University (UK), Porto (P), Stockholm (S), Tartu (EE), Tallinn (EE), Utrecht (NL), Turku (F) and Iceland.

– any PhD student wishing to acquire an interdisciplinary training in astrobiology.

Non French students not enrolled in a university affiliated in Erasmus + EAC can enroll in the limit of available room, but unfortunately will have to pay the real price without any financial support (see registration on the link below). In particular , and unfortunately, this training school is not funded by the COST action TD1308 ORIGINS

Registration is open until 11 December 2015 at:

Event Date:  Sunday, February 7, 2016 – 09:00 to Saturday, February 13, 2016 – 16:00

Event Location:  Teich Ornithological Park (near Bordeaux, France)

Organizer:  Erasmus + “European Astrobiology Campus”

Event Category: Training schools