Today Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced the release of a revised and updated Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I) strategy. The revised Strategy adds advanced manufacturing as a new ST&I priority and includes aerospace as one of seven focus areas within advanced manufacturing that are considered strategically important to Canada.

The Prime Minister also announced the creation of the Canada First Research Fund, a $1.5 billion fund for post-secondary institutions conducting research in areas that will create long-term economic advantages for Canada. Funding proposals through the CFRF will be required to align with the revised Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy’s priorities, including advanced manufacturing.

The Canadian aerospace industry dedicates $1.7 billion to R&D each year, more than 5 times the national manufacturing average. The industry contributed $28 billion to the national GDP in 2013.

“Collaborative research and innovation lie at the heart of our industry’s ability to compete in the global marketplace and continue creating highly-skilled, highly-paid jobs for Canadians,” said Jim Quick, President and CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC). “Including aerospace and the advanced manufacturing sector in the Science, Technology & Innovation strategy signals that the government recognizes our industry’s ability to strategically contribute to Canada’s future, and will help to focus research and innovation priorities accordingly.”

The inclusion of advanced manufacturing and aerospace in the ST&I Strategy marks the implementation of another recommendation made by the Honourable David Emerson in his 2012 report to the government on the long-term competitiveness of Canada’s aerospace industry.

“Since the release of the Emerson Report in 2012, the government has proven that it is committed to ensuring our industry’s competitiveness. Today’s announcement is another example of that, and we applaud the government for their dedication and support.” added Mr. Quick.

More Information:
Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy
Canada First Research Fund
Government of Canada Press Release

About AIAC:
AIAC is the national association representing Canada’s aerospace manufacturing and services sector. As the world’s fifth-largest aerospace industry, Canada’s aerospace sector contributes nearly $28B to the economy in GDP, exports 80% of its output, and dedicates over 20% of its activity to research and development (R&D). Aerospace is responsible for the employment of 172,000 Canadians. AIAC represents the interests of over 700 aerospace companies across Canada.