IAF PR 02-2014, March 2014: The IAF is pleased to announce a new partnership with HESpace that will provide two new Emerging Space Leader (ESL) grants to attend the IAC.

The International Astronautical Federation (IAF) and HE Space Children’s Foundation, have signed a cooperation agreement entitled “Support to Students from Developing Countries to Attend the International Astronautical Congress”. HE Space is one of the top engineering services companies in the global space sector, and specialises in personnel recruitment with an exclusive focus on the space sector. HE Space operates internationally with offices in Netherlands, Germany and the US, and will partner with the IAF for the next three years on the agreement.

Under the new agreement, which was formally signed at the IAF Spring Meetings on Wednesday 19 March, HE Space and the IAF will expand the Emerging Space Leaders (ESL) grants programme by supporting two additional students from developing and emerging. With this cooperation, the grants will allow 14 students and young professionals between the ages of 21 and 35 to attend the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) every year. Students can also benefit from the UN/IAF Workshop and Space Generation Congress which take place alongside the IAC.

The grants are open to students and young professionals from every country, and cover transportation to the IAC, transfers, accommodation, the conference fee and a stipend for food costs. The support from HE Space will fund two extra students, and seeks to encourage candidates from countries with emerging space capabilities. Successful applicants will be expected to present at least one paper at the IAC, and/or to participate as a panellist in the Next Generation Plenary.

More information on the IAF’s educational activities for both students and young professionals can be found at http://www.iafastro.com/index.php/activities/education

More about the International Astronautical Federation (IAF)

Founded in 1951, the International Astronautical Federation is the world’s leading space advocacy organisation with over 270 members in 64 countries, including all major space agencies, companies, research institutions, societies and associations worldwide.

Dedicated to “A space-faring world cooperating for the benefit of humanity”, the Federation advances and promotes space cooperation, knowledge and achievements.

Supported by over 40 committees gathering more than 500 world space experts, the IAF coordinates the International Astronautical Congress and the IAF Global Networking Forum (GNF), has dedicated regional activities and activities for students and young professionals, and recognises and awards space achievements.

For more information, see www.iafastro.org