Ottawa (Ontario), February 7, 2014 – Today the Honourable James Moore, Minister of Industry, released the government’s new Space Policy Framework, which will serve as a guide for the Canadian space program’s future priorities and activities. The announcement comes as a response to recommendations included in the Emerson Report on Aerospace and Space Programs and Policies for strengthening the competitiveness of the Canadian aerospace and space industries.

“A long-term strategic plan for Canada’s space program is critical for our industry. In order to effectively invest in innovation, technology and product development, we rely heavily on knowing what the government’s priorities for the space program are,” said Jim Quick, President and CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC). “We are very pleased that the government has released the Space Policy Framework, and we applaud Minister Moore and his colleagues for recognizing the importance of Canadian innovation and industry as we continue to build on our nation’s proud heritage in space.”

The Space Policy Framework builds on both recent and historic Canadian achievements in space, particularly the recent mission led by Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, who became the first Canadian commander of the International Space Station (ISS) in 2013. The plan identifies five key principles that will guide the Canadian space program’s priorities in the future:

1. Protecting Canadian sovereignty and security as part of the government’s “Canada First” policy;

2. Using space to strengthen the economy through a strong and competitive Canadian space industry;

3. Working with global partners to continue Canadian participation in major space projects such as the ISS;

4. Promoting Canadian innovation through our proven leadership in developing technologies such as robotics (Canadarm2) and optics (James Webb Telescope); and

5. Inspiring the next generation to continue building the Canadian legacy in space through involvement in the space program, industry and related fields.

In addition, Minister Moore announced continued support for the James Webb Telescope project, which will succeed the Hubble Telescope as the next-generation space observatory. The project contains Canadian optic technologies developed by COM DEV International, the Université de Montréal, and the National Research Council Canada which precisely direct the telescope so that it can study stars and planets forming in other stellar systems.

“Canada’s involvement in the James Webb Telescope project illustrates our industry’s ongoing contribution to global space exploration and discovery,” said Mr. Quick. “We are extremely proud to be contributing cutting-edge technologies to this important project, and very thankful for the government’s ongoing support.”


AIAC is the national association representing Canada’s aerospace manufacturing and services sector. As the world’s fifth-largest aerospace industry, Canada’s aerospace sector generates more than $27 billion, exports 80% of its output, and dedicates over 20% of its activity to research and development (R&D). Aerospace is responsible for the employment of 170,000 Canadians. AIAC represents the interests of over 700 aerospace companies across Canada.

For information:
Kristen VanderHoek
Director of Communications
613 232-4297 x225