The recent shipment of the first Inmarsat-5 Global Xpress satellite is an important milestone in Boeing’s ongoing commitment to providing their global customer base, including the U.S. government, much-needed bandwidth.

The satellite will undergo tests, fueling and final integration in Baikonur Cosmodrome before a scheduled launch on a Proton M rocket later this year. Once in service, the satellite will support Inmarsat’s Global Xpress network, the world’s first high speed, mobile broadband service, providing vital data connectivity for commercial and government users.

Inmarsat, the leading provider of global mobile satellite communications services, not only contracted Boeing to manufacture four 702 High Power Ka-band satellites, but partnered with Boeing Commercial Satellite Services to sell commercial bandwidth to U.S. government users.

Two additional Inmarsat-5 satellites are currently in production in Boeing’s Satellite Development Center. Boeing recently received authorization from Inmarsat to build a fourth Inmarsat-5 satellite.

As the premier satellite manufacturer with domain knowledge in both the government and commercial market, Boeing will continue to design creative alternatives and technology that benefits both markets.