The value, reliability and on-time delivery of Arianespace’s services have resulted in multiple payload launch contracts from all major U.S.-based television broadcast and telecommunications providers – including the latest agreement with Intelsat announced this week.

In addition to Intelsat’s new accord for the orbiting of three satellites on Ariane 5 missions through 2017, three other U.S. operators that have endorsed Arianespace with key agreements are DIRECTV, EchoStar Corp. and O3b Networks Limited.

Digital television entertainment services provider DIRECTV signed a multi-payload contract for Ariane 5 launches to begin in 2015; EchoStar Corp. booked multiple new satellites on Ariane 5 over a multi-year period for its video delivery solutions, broadband services, network technologies and managed services; while O3b Networks Limited will use Soyuz vehicles beginning this year to deploy its constellation offering broadband internet access to emerging countries.

“Satellite operators that look for value come to Arianespace,” explained Wiener Kernisan, Arianespace’s Vice President – Sales for North America. “What we have said for years is true: when a customer needs to orbit its satellite on time, with high reliability and accuracy, Arianespace is the answer.”

Kernisan noted that the launch services industry’s track record validates Arianespace’s philosophy that “quality has a price.” The company’s Ariane 5 is the industry’s undisputed heavy-lift workhorse, with 54 consecutive successes from the Spaceport in French Guiana; its medium-lift Soyuz has performed flawlessly in 26 commercial flights from Baikonur Cosmodrome and the four missions performed to date from French Guiana; while the new lightweight Vega began its career with a successful introductory launch at the Spaceport.