Another Proton launch vehicle has been launched from Baikonur launch base. The Proton M/Breeze M integrated launch vehicle (ILV) with the Yamal 402 telecommunications satellite lifted off at 17:13 Moscow Time (13:13:43 GMT;08:13:43 EST) on December 8.

The lift-off sequence proceeded nominally. In compliance with the mission design, the orbital unit (made up of a Breeze M upper stage mated, via an adapter, to the spacecraft) separated from LV Stage 3 to continue independent powered flight. The subsequent phases of satellite injection into the target orbit will be implemented by means of four Breeze M’s main engine burns.

The separation of the Yamal 402 satellite is scheduled to occur approximately 9 hours, 15 minutes after liftoff,

International Launch Services Inc.-ILS ( Reston, USA) has been awarded a contract for launch of Yamal 402, a satellite built by Thales Alenia Space ( Cannes, France) for satellite operator Gasprom Space Systems (Moscow, Russia).

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