Shinji Takada, Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer of SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation, and Jean-Yves Le Gall, Chairman and CEO of Arianespace, today announced the signature of a Multi-Launch Services Agreement (MLSA), which guarantees the availability and flexibility of Arianespace’s launch services in the near future. SKY Perfect JSAT is Japan’s leading satellite operator.

Through this framework agreement, SKY Perfect JSAT will enhance its competitiveness and further improve the satisfaction of its customers.

Over the last quarter-century, since the launch of JCSAT-1 in 1989, Arianespace and SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation have developed a strong relationship of mutual trust.

Arianespace opened its Tokyo office in 1986, and since then it has won a total of 27 contracts in Japan out of the 36 open to competition, giving it a market share of 75%. Arianespace has become the benchmark launch service company for Japanese operators, and also launched the LDREX 1 and 2 payloads for Japanese space agency JAXA.

Following this latest agreement, Arianespace Chairman and CEO Jean-Yves Le Gall said, “With this accord for several upcoming launches, Arianespace guarantees launch capacity and flexibility for one of the world’s leading operators of communications satellites. I would like to thank SKY Perfect JSAT for once again expressing their trust in us.”

SKY Perfect JSAT Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer Shinji Takada said, “We SKY Perfect JSAT agreed with Arianespace on the multiple launch framework of satellites to be launched in the near future. By an option to secure reliable launch slots of multiple satellites with Arianespace in the early stage, we can prepare the launch plan of our satellites efficiently and flexibly. We hereby extend our gratitude to Arianespace as a good business partner.”

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