Roscosmos Board held a meeting today to discuss the report by Technical Management on Human Space System Flight Testing. The report mentioned an incompliance in operation of the Kvant-V equipment in Soyuz TMA-21 detected during launch campaign at Baikonur. Taking into account the necessity to run additional analysis of the glitch, Soyuz TMa-21 launch is postponed.

Failure of a condenser is blamed for the glitch in Kvant-V.

Special working group has been established to investigate the incompliance. The group which comprises reps of manufacturers and developers, RSC-Energia – prime contractor on human space system flight testing, and TSNIImash, leading R&D company of the industry.

Proposals of the working group will be considered during an additional General Designers’ Review, which is to submit its conclusions on Soyuz TMA-21 launch campaign and launch date to the State Board and Roscosmos Board.