You are invited to submit abstracts for the upcoming fifth AbSciCon 2008 meeting in Santa Clara, California. The abstract deadline is December 3, 2007. Abstracts accepted at:

Astrobiology is the study of the origins, evolution, distribution and future of life in the universe. AbSciCon 2008 will convene the global community of scholars engaged in this interdisciplinary effort. Interested scientists and educators are invited to participate.

The meeting will combine plenary events with focused topical sessions that broadly relate to the major scientific themes:

  • The Astronomical and Planetary Context for Life
  • The Origin and Evolution of Life
  • The Search for Life in our Solar System and Beyond

AbSciCon 2008 will be held April 14 – 17, with pre-meeting events on April 14, and the science meeting commencing on April 15, 2008.

A colorful poster announcing the meeting, and the upcoming abstract deadline is attached in two sizes. Please feel free to print and distribute the poster to colleagues and friends.

Learn more about AbSciCon 2008 at


Santa Clara Convention Center Santa Clara, California, USA