VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Following the very successful unveiling of the Moon Resort and Casino project in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 17th, 2002, Irish born
Canadian entrepreneur, and Creator of Moon, Michael R. Henderson,
spoke today of the tremendous interest shown in the project.

“The reaction to the project has been fantastic and proves the
concept is easily understood and eagerly awaited by a substantial
group of global travelers,” said Henderson from his Vancouver office.
The interest was shared by Las Vegas and other media, with very
positive coverage and compliments being showered on the project.

“This is awesome! Its got to be built, and it should be built in
Las Vegas!” said Robin Leach, the Fox 5 entertainment reporter and
internationally celebrated host of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.

Henderson set out the next stage of the project: “The Moon team
will now carefully review all interested global developers with a view
to structuring a deal which will be in the best interests of the
projects overall objective, that being to create the world’s most
spectacular resort.”

The Moon website has a pre-booking reservation system which
receives e-mail addresses of those people who are interested in
staying at Moon. Henderson shared, “the response to date has been

For further information please visit on line at

Project M
Michael R. Henderson, 604/762-1962