HOUSTON, Nov. 20, 2013 – Boeing today issued the following statement from John Elbon, vice president and general manager of the company’s Space Exploration division, celebrating the 15-year anniversary of the International Space Station (ISS):

“Boeing congratulates NASA and its international partners on 15 years of successful ISS operations. We’ve seen the station grow from a single module in low Earth orbit to the world’s greatest engineering feat. As NASA’s prime contractor for the ISS, Boeing helped build the station, and we are proud of our continuing support for its astronauts as they live and work away from the Earth’s surface.

“The science and research breakthroughs achieved aboard the ISS in these 15 years will have impacts well beyond the next 15. Boeing looks forward to the International Space Station continuing as the cornerstone for human space exploration and the benefits it will provide life here on Earth for many years to come.”

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For additional information on the International Space Station, visit www.beyondearth.com and www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station.


Kelly George

Space Exploration

Office: 281-226-4367

Mobile: 479-422-6740
