“Heads of Space Agencies Summit on Exploration, in 2014 The Conference will be preceded from the opening of the 8th Symposium:”The Future of Space Exploration, towards the Stars”. The activities will start at 9.00 and they will be followed by a Round table on the participation of the most important European Space Agencies and the European Union.

The following topics will be discussed during the Press Conference:

1) The role of the International Academy of Astronautics,

2) The IAA Heads of Space Agencies Summit on Exploration, in 2014, Washington DC, USA

3) Presentation of the results of two Cosmic Studies related to the feasibility of: Interstellar Precursor Missions and the Space Elevator

In Attachment there is a briefing note with more details.


1. The International Academy of Astronautics

The International Academy of Astronautics, created in 1960 in Stockolm, is based on the tradition of the classical scientific academies of the 17th century created in Rome, London and Paris. The main objectives are: to foster the development of astronautics for peacefull pourposes, acting as a catalyst for international cooperations; to recognize individuals who have distinguished themselves in the field of Astronautics. The Academicians, elected by an international ballot system, are about 1200 coming from 84 different countries.

These world experts have background in either scientific disciplines such as: engineering, physics, mathematics, medicine, biology; or in humanistic disciplines such as law, policy and International Relation. In the Academy there are experts and personalities from Space Agencies, Industries, Universities and Research Centers. Most of world famous personalities have been in the Academy, to name a few: Von Braun, Gagarin, Armstrong, Broglio, von Karman.

The Academy, is considered the world “think-thank” of Astonautics.

The Academy publishes regularly technical papers, called “Cosmic Studies” or “Position Papers”, in addition to its scientific journal called “Acta Astronautica”. These publications are generated by experts all over the world. Their objective is to provide recommendations and assessments, supranational, multidisciplinary and global, on complex issues to Space Agencies, United Nations and other professional organizations related to astronautics, Examples of subjects are: the problem of Space Debris; Earth protection from Asteroids; exploitation of space mineral resources; the future of mankind in space.

The Academy organizes Conferences and themathic Symposia (12-14 per year in all parts of the world) to discuss technical subjects relevant to the present and future of the Astronautics. Turin’s Symposium, 8th of its kind, is dedicated to the theme of the Future of Space Exploration. It will include presentations on short/medium term projects as well as long term developments such as possible missions towards the stars. Further details of the Academy’ activities can be found on the following web site: www.iaaweb.org


The International Academy of Astronautics has organized the first Summit of the Head of Space Agencies, in Washington in 2010, with the main goal to foster the dialogue, at global level, on four themes: Human Spaceflight, Interplanetary Robotics Missions, Climate Change, Disaster Management. At the Washington Summit, first world event of this kind, 30 Head of Space Agencies have welcomed a Declaration about activites related to the four topics indicated. The Declaration can be down-loaded from the Academy web site. The Academy is now preparing the second Head of Space Agencies Summit, to be held in Washigton on 9 and 10 January 2014, this will be dedicated to the Space Exploration either human or robotics. To prepare this Summit, the Academy has created Coordination Groups for Human Spaceflight and Robotics.

On their side, these Coordination Groups have defined pilot projects, in line with the 2010 Declaration. These projects, which have been initiated, are related to complex topics and are complementary to the activities of the Space Agencies.

Here are some of the projects: Public/Private Human Access to Space; Feasibility Studies about International Agreement for rescuing astronauts in orbit; Standardization of astronaut Career Dose Limit; Life Science Issues in Human Exploration Missions; Space Mineral resources Explotation; Global Human Missions to Mars; Multicultural aspects of Human Spaceflight; Virtual Exploration of Mars and many more.

The outcome of these projects will be recommandations for the Head of Space Agencies. The main goal of the Summit is to act as a catalyst, fostering new initiatives and cooperations, involving as many countries as possible since Space Exploration is an endeavour for all Humanity. At the Symposium in Turin the status of many of above mentioned projects will be presented. Furthemore, a Round Table of the major European Space Agencies will discuss the possible contribution of the upcoming IAA Summit in Washington.


The Academy has just completed two Cosmic Studies on the following topics:

– Interstellar Precursor Missions: Required Technologies
– Space Elevator: Technological Feasibility and the way forward

At the Press Conference, the main results of these studies will be presented, for the first time.

– Participants from the International Academy of Astronautics at the Press Conference
– Jean-Michel Contant (France); IAA Secretary General
– Giuseppe Reibaldi (Italy); IAA Director Human Spaceflight
– Peter Swaan (USA); Chair of the Space Elevator Study Group