Moon Express, Inc. has announced the creation of Moon Express Canada to leverage Canadian space science and technology in the exploration of the Moon and its resources. The announcement follows quickly after the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Moon Express on October 3rd, enabling Canadian firms and researchers to offer their expertise and capabilities to Moon Express. Moon Express Founder and CEO Bob Richards made the announcement today at the CSA Fall 2018 Industry Days, a three-day event hosted at its headquarters in Longueuil, Quebec to promote Canadian space capabilities and expertise.

Moon Express, Inc. also signed collaboration agreements with a number of Canadian

industry and academic partners, including:

Canadensys Aerospace Corporation, Caledon, Ontario

Deltion Innovations, Sudbury, Ontario

Gedex Systems Inc., Mississauga, Ontario

Mission Control Space Services, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario

NGC Aerospace, Sherbrooke, Quebec

Teledyne Optech, Vaughan, Ontario

University of Guelph, Ontario

“We are excited to partner with the Canadian space sector at the dawn of an exciting new era of lunar exploration,” Canadian-born Bob Richards stated. “We look forward to working with the CSA and our industry and academic partners to develop new opportunities for Canadian science and technology in the exploration of the Moon and its vast resources.”

Moon Express Canada Inc. head office will be established in Ontario with ties to CSA and Canada’s industrial and academic space sector nationwide. The business will serve Canadian high-tech growth, export opportunities and applications of Canada’s niche space technologies in the exploration of the Moon in partnership with the United States, Europe and other nations.

Moon Express, Inc. is a privately funded U.S. commercial space company founded in 2010 with the goal of providing low cost, frequent access to the Moon for science, exploration and commerce while seeking new resources to benefit Earth. The company is partnered with NASA and serves a global base of customers from its 72-acre Space Campus headquarters at Cape Canaveral with additional facilities at the NASA Kennedy Space Center. In 2016, Moon Express became the first commercial space company to receive U.S. federal government authorization for a private mission to the Moon. In 2017, Moon Express introduced a family of innovative robotic exploration vehicles designed to collapse the cost of access to the Moon and other deep space destinations, with regular flights to the Moon planned to begin in 2020.

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