SSC advances its entrance into the Galileo program by providing satellite services already during the Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP) of the launch of GIOVE-A – the first Galileo satellite planned for launch on 28 December at 06:19 CET from Baikonur in Kazakhstan.

In addition, a contract for LEOP and routine TT&C support of GIOVE-B has already been signed. During the SSC part of the two GIOVE missions, some of the satellite stations within PrioraNet will be used, among others.

PrioraNet is a global commercial network operated in partnership between SSC and the US company Universal Space Network and includes stations at favourable locations for communication support of geostationary satellites transfer orbits phase as well as communication support of low orbiting satellites. The network is controlled and monitored by Network Management Centers in the US and Sweden, and has in short time become the largest commercial global network for satellite ground station services in the world. The services to the two Galileo missions will further strengthen the position of PrioraNet as a very reliable partner for LEOP and routine operation support.

During 2006, and besides GIOVE-A and GIOVE-B, PrioraNet is scheduled to carry out a considerable number of LEOP and routine support services. Amongst others, satellites such as EROS-1B, COSMIC, METOP-1, HY-1b, SkyNet 5A and SkyNet 5B will be utilising PrioraNet ground station services.

For GIOVE-A, SSC will, under a contract with Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd, supply LEOP services from the Antrix Corporation Limited Ground Station in Bangalore, India. A separate agreement for this service has been established between SSC and Antrix.

For the contract for LEOP and routine TT&C support of GIOVE-B, SSC has signed a contract with Telespazio S.p.a. The GIOVE-B is planned to be launched in April 2006 and SSC will use its PrioraNet stations in Kiruna, Western Australia, Hawaii and Santiago.