German students will have the first opportunity to speak to ESA astronaut Thomas Reiter as he completes the first week of his six-month stay onboard the International Space Station.

On Thursday 13 July, from 10:13 to 10:33 hours (CEST), Reiter, joined by two other ESA astronauts, will take part in a satellite link-up with students from a local secondary school, at ESA’s Columbus Control Centre on DLR premises in Oberpfaffenhofen, near Munich. The students will be able to put questions to the astronaut about his mission experiences so far, and they will also see their physics lessons put to the test in the microgravity environment of space.
The Columbus Control Centre is the hub of European involvement in the mission, covering tasks such as overseeing Reiter’s activities and coordinating with the Russian and American mission control centres as well as other sites throughout Europe providing flight support.

Media representatives are invited to attend and follow this event. For accreditation, please complete the attached reply form and return it by fax to the contact points listed below.

Thursday 13 July 2006 – 09:15-11:00
ESA Columbus Control Center/DLR
Oberpfaffenhofen - D-82234-Wessling, Germany

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Media : ______________________________________________

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(  )	I will be attending the event
Please return this form by fax to :
Jean Coisne
Astronaut Communication Officer
EAC, Cologne (Germany)
Tel : +49.2203.6001.110
Fax : +49.2203.6001.112