The American space shuttle “Discovery” safely returned to the earth at 20:12 (Beijing time) on August 9, when Mr. Sun Laiyan, Administrator of CNSA, congratulated NASA Administrator Griffin on Discovery’s successful return.

Here is the letter as follows:

Dear Administrator Griffin

I am trilled to learn that shuttle “Discovery” has safely returned on August 9, 2005, 20:12 after its successful lift off on July 26, at 22:39 (Beijing time). Here I would like to express my congratulations to you and all colleagues of NASA, and my highest salutation goes to the 7 brave crow led by Mrs. Eileen Collins.  

I believe that this flight was not new one, but a new challenge, another challenge to the courage and wisdom of mankind. You and your colleagues have worked under great pressure and overcame all difficulties to bring about this mission success. The courage and technology you have demonstrated impressed the whole world.

Dear Administrator Griffin, I believe that under your leadership, NASA will continually achieve more success. I also believe that with our mutual effort, China-US space cooperation will continue to develop.

Sincerely yours,

Sun Laiyan
China National Space Administration