The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and the Space Oriented
Higashiosaka Leading Association (SOHLA) concluded a “cooperative
agreement on small satellite technology” on May 20, 2004.

Under the cooperative agreement, JAXA intends to contribute to
socio-economic development by returning its R&D results to society,
and SOHLA tries to revitalize local economy through commercialization
of versatile small satellites.

According to the agreement, JAXA provides SOHLA its technical
information on small satellites and other technical assistance for
the development of the small satellites (SOHLA-1, SOHLA-2).
The development of SOHLA-1 and SOHLA-2 will be joined by Tokyo
University and Osaka University for experiment devices and by Osaka
Prefecture University for system design. This will be carried out as
a joint project among industry, government and academia.

JAXA established a Kansai Satellite Office last August as a base for
space development and application in the Kansai area in an effort to
make space development accessible to the local industry, especially
small-and-medium-sized businesses, as well as to develop a new field
of space application.

It is expected that this cooperative agreement will be a good example
for local small-and-medium-sized businesses to get into space-related
industry and to contribute to revitalization of local economy. It is
also expected to contribute to new development of space industry.

Inquiries to:

Public Affairs Department, JAXA
TEL:+81-3-3438-6107/6108/6109 FAX:+81-3-5402-6513
TEL:+81-6-6747-8081 FAX:+81-6-6747-8095


Outlines of the Cooperative Agreement on Small Satellite Technology between Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Space Oriented Higashiosaka Leading Association (SOHLA)

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) intends to contribute to socio-economic development by returning its R&D results to society as part of JAXA’s efforts to promote wider distribution and application of its accomplishments, and the Space Oriented Higashiosaka Leading Association (SOHLA) tries to revitalize local economy through commercialization of versatile small satellites.

Division of Roles

SOHLA shall develop and manufacture the small satellites, SOHLA-1 and SOHLA-2 (hereinafter referred to as SOHLA-1/2). JAXA shall provide SOHLA its technical information necessary for the development/manufacturing of SOHLA-1/2 and related technical assistance.

Use of JAXA’s Facilities

SOHLA may use, in consultation with JAXA, the latter’s facilities and equipment for the development/manufacturing of SOHLA-1/2.

Research Cooperation

SOHLA shall carry out, in consultation with JAXA, the development/manufacturing of SOHLA-1/2 with the assistance of Osaka Prefecture University for the satellite system, Tokyo/Osaka Universities for the experimental sections, other parties designated by SOHLA including subcontractors.

Utilization of JAXA’s Accomplishments

SOHLA may nonexclusively utilize JAXA’s technical accomplishments for the development/manufacturing of SOHLA-1/2 if necessary. In addition, SOHLA may develop and manufacture any satellite (including components, parts and so on) other than SOHLA-1/2 by utilizing results accrued from this Agreement. In case of selling such satellite to a third party, SOHLA shall have a separate consultation with JAXA.


The validity shall last five years from the date of concluding the Agreement. Without prior written notice to either party, it shall be extended to one more year with the same conditions in the Agreement, and it shall be continued another year with the same procedure thereafter.