an SES GLOBAL company (Luxembourg and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges:
SESG), and Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems (LMCSS), a
business unit of Lockheed Martin Corporation, are pleased
to announce that SES ASTRA has awarded a contract to Lockheed Martin
to design and manufacture two high-powered communications satellites
to be deployed at ASTRA’s prime continental European orbital position
of 19.2 degrees East. Terms of the contract remain confidential.

The spacecraft are due to be launched in the second half of 2005
and in 2006 respectively and will have minimum service lives of 15
years. The satellites will be built on Lockheed’s reliable A2100
platform, and designed to be compatible with all flight-proven
commercial launch vehicles. SES ASTRA intends to select the respective
launch service providers later on in the year.

The first satellite, ASTRA 1KR, will feature 32 active Ku band
transponders in the FSS band, with a TWTA output power of 140 watts
and a pan-European footprint. With an expected launch weight of
approximately 4200 kilograms the spacecraft’s primary mission,
following the lost ASTRA 1K mission of November 2002, will be to
replace ASTRA 1B and 1C launched in 1991 and 1993 respectively.

The second satellite will be built in parallel and serves two
missions: In case of an ASTRA 1KR launch failure, it will replace that
spacecraft. If the ASTRA 1KR launch is a success, the second satellite
will be reconfigured to include a Ka-Band payload and become ASTRA 1L.
It will be designed to replace ASTRA 1E and to reinforce SES ASTRA’s
renowned and still unique inter satellite back-up concept at a single
orbital position, by providing satellite protection in the Ku (FSS &
BSS) and Ka bands. In addition, ASTRA 1L will ensure further fleet
optimization by allowing the release of ASTRA 2C from its current
location of 19.2 degrees East. The spacecraft will feature 29 active
Ku band transponders as well as a 2 transponder Ka band payload for
such interactive applications as ASTRA BBI (Broadband Interactive) and
Satmode services (ASTRA’s proposed low-cost satellite return channel
for digital set-top boxes). ASTRA 1L will weight approximately 4300
kilograms upon launch, and also offers a pan-European footprint with a
TWTA output of 140 watts.

Ferdinand Kayser, President and CEO of SES ASTRA, is confident:
“With these state-of-the-art procurements, SES ASTRA cements not only
the competitive position of Europe’s top Continental European orbital
slot well into the next decade, but also reinforces the world’s most
comprehensive inter-satellite protection scheme at a single orbital
position. We look forward to working with Lockheed Martin on the two
ASTRA missions and are confident that the scheduled renewal of our
fleet will further strengthen our existing high standards of
operational excellence and support our commitment of offering
state-of-the-art satellite services to our customers.”

“We are extremely gratified by the confidence SES ASTRA has placed
in us,” said Ted Gavrilis, President, Lockheed Martin Commercial Space
Systems. “Our flight-proven A2100 has provided a powerful, dependable
solution for telecommunications customers worldwide and we look
forward to establishing a long-term relationship with SES ASTRA.”


The ASTRA Satellite System is Europe’s leading Direct-to-Home
satellite system, delivering television, radio as well as multimedia
and Internet services to more than 92 million Direct-to-Home and cable
households. The ASTRA satellite fleet currently comprises 13
satellites, transmitting in excess of 1100 analogue and digital
television and radio channels as well as multimedia and Internet
services. ASTRA’s two prime orbital positions for DTH (Direct-To-Home)
services are 19.2 degrees East and 28.2 degrees East. Professional
services are offered from the orbital positions of 23.5 degrees/24.2
degrees East and 5.2 degrees East.

SES ASTRA is an SES GLOBAL company, whose securities are listed on
the Stock Exchanges in Luxembourg and Frankfurt (SESG). SES GLOBAL
wholly owns two market leading satellite operators, SES ASTRA in
Europe, and SES AMERICOM in the US. The Company also holds strategic
participations in first-class regional satellite service providers,
the SES GLOBAL partner companies, including AsiaSat and AMERICOM
ASIA-PACIFIC in Asia, Star One and Nahuelsat in Latin America, and
NSAB in Europe. Through these, SES GLOBAL can provide outstanding
satellite communications solutions via a fleet of 41 satellites across
the globe. Approximately 95 percent of the world’s population live
within the footprints of the SES GLOBAL satellite network. In
addition, SES GLOBAL is a shareholder in satellite technology
companies Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd., ND Satcom and SATLYNX.
Additional info at:

About Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems

Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems markets, designs and
builds geostationary and non-geostationary telecommunications and
remote sensing satellites for customers worldwide. LMCSS is an
operating unit of Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, one of the
core business areas of the Lockheed Martin Corporation. Lockheed
Martin has a 41-year heritage of building reliable spacecraft for
commercial and military customers, having launched more than 875
spacecraft and clocking nearly 1,500 years of on-orbit performance

Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin employs about
125,000 people worldwide and is a global enterprise principally
engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and
integration of advanced technology systems, products, and services.
The Corporation reported 2002 sales of $26.6 billion.