The White Paper on Space recommended to set up a Forum on the broadband digital divide within the framework of eEurope.  The Forum is virtual and takes place through this public consultation.  The concept of “digital divide” within the scope of the White Paper on Space refers to the gap between “have” and “have-nots” in terms of broadband access. 

Broadband allows individuals and organisations to communicate and access services regardless of their geographical location. By its own nature, broadband bridges distances and is particularly beneficial to the development and attractiveness of remote and rural areas. Nevertheless, broadband roll-out has been concentrating in more populated areas. Commercial deployment in remote and scarcely populated regions has been slower than in urban areas mainly. In July 2004, broadband was available to more than 90% of EU15-urban population but only to 50% of its rural population and then to 62% in January 2005.

Broadband coverage is increasing fast, but on average it still excludes about 15% of EU15 population, and certainly a higher percentage when taking new Member States into account. Market dynamics suggest that commercial forces will drive further deployment, although some areas of the EU will suffer delayed coverage or will be excluded altogether from broadband rollout. Under these circumstances, public intervention may be considered desirable or necessary. The scope for public intervention in under-served areas was addressed in eEurope 2005. The recent European initiative for the Information Society, i2010, proposed by the Commission on 1st of June 2005, framed the broadband territorial digital divide into the wider framework of eInclusion. 

The report is open to public consultation until September 16th 2005 to stimulate an on-line forum for discussion.