The launch experiment of the M-V Launch Vehicle No. 6 (M-V-6) with the 23rd scientific satellite(ASTRO-EII) onboard has been rescheduled to no earlier than July 10, 2005, (Japan Standard Time, JST) .

The launch experiment was originally scheduled on July 6, but was postponed due to the adverse weather conditions. We had previously announced that it would be rescheduled to no earlier than July 8 (JST), but after further study of the weather, we decided to postpone it to no earlier than July 10 (JST).

The new launch experiment date will be announced as soon as it is determined.

* This information is also available on the following websites:

For more information:

Public Relations Team at the Uchinoura Space Center, JAXA
Tel: +81-994-31-6978
Fax: +81+994-67-3811