NASA’s Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD) selected 70 proposals to support the research and technology goals and objectives of the Vision for Space Exploration. The total value of the work is more than $1 billion through fiscal year 2009.

ESMD is responsible for creating capabilities, supporting research and technologies that will enable sustainable and affordable human and robotic exploration beyond low Earth orbit. “The innovative concepts and ideas set forth in these proposals will develop key technologies necessary to implement the Vision for Space Exploration,” said Exploration Systems Directorate Associate Administrator Craig E. Steidle.

The selection was made in response to a Broad Agency Announcement, one of several steps being taken by NASA to develop new partnerships with industry and academia. More than 3700 Notices of Intent were submitted to NASA, evaluated, and subjected to an integrated review across project areas. Submissions to the announcement follow a rigorous process to ensure timely and objective evaluation of their relevance, technical quality, cost, resources, planning, and socioeconomic merits. The field was narrowed from 485 full proposal submissions.

The proposals support these Exploration Systems Research and Technology Programs: Advanced Space Technology, Technology Maturation, and Innovative Partnerships. Initially used by DOD to determine the necessities of an operational capability, the announcements are used by ESMD to encourage interaction with both academia and companies in pursuit of innovations that may have profound impact on NASA and the nation.

The names of the winning proposals and ESMD information is on the Web at: