The leader of the Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) Anatoly Permoniv took part in the 55th International Astronautical Congress in Vancouver, Canada, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). During the work of the Congress Mr. Perminov had an opportunity to meet the heads of other space agencies, – NASA, ESA, the Canadian Space Agency, NASDA and the Indian Space Space Research Organization (ISRO).

During his presentation at the Plenary Session devoted to the human exploration of space, the head of Roscosmos underlined that “the space activity of the Russian Federation is aimed at the development of national space systems and is regulated by the acting Russian legislation, as well as by the Federal Space Program approved for the years 2001-2005.  

The leader of Roscosmos said that Russia was seriously considering the implementation of human exploration missions to Mars and to the Moon. “The experience accumulated during the construction and operation of the ISS will inevitably become our basis for the preparation of future interplanetary expeditions.”

At the present time Roscosmos is busy to think over “the expeditions profiles, design options of interplanetary complexes, selection criteria and training aspects of the crews, the principles of life support systems and robotic operations”.

Further in the presentation Anatoly Perminov said: “Presently, Russia has formed its national space industry. The industry includes the total of 112 companies, among them 31 industrial enterprises, 66 scientific and research institutions and 15 other entities providing various services. Roscosmos makes no division between the commercial and non-commercial activities of the companies. By signing commercial contracts the companies get resources that are further spent to improve the production and test facilities and to build space equipment previewed by the Federal Space Program of Russia.”

Roscosmos is authorized by the government of Russia to place state orders with the industry and institutes that serve for the implementation of state programs. The interaction between Roscosmos and the industry is also in the fact that the Agency takes the responsibility of providing guarantees of the state in large commercial projects (for instance, the Sea Launch), ensures the export control measures (for instance, the use of the Russian RD-180 liquid-propellant engine in the United States’ Atlas launcher), provides the supervision over the implementation of space-related agreements with international partners, including the export/import operations. Roscosmos also participates in controlling the non-proliferation of rocket technologies.