Thirty-four elementary and
high school teachers from around the world will enhance their knowledge of
math, science and space at the 13th Annual Boeing Educators to SPACE CAMP®
July 12-18 at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Ala.

Through interactive classroom assignments, special tours and lectures, and
hands-on team activities, the Boeing program provides educators with many of
the resources they need to inspire and motivate their students to learn more
about math, science and space. While in Huntsville, teachers from 15 states
including Hawaii and Alaska will take part in a week-long series of exercises
that include simulated space missions, astronaut training and lectures by
experts in rocketry and space exploration. Graduation ceremonies will be held
July 18, in recognition of the 35th anniversary of the first moon landing
during Apollo 11 in 1969.

“Great teachers will tell you that you can’t fully understand something
until you experience it first-hand,” said Harry Stonecipher, President and
Chief Executive Officer of The Boeing Company. “This is true for
understanding how it feels to stand on the moon or understanding the
complexities of teaching inquiry-based science lessons, like those taught at
SPACE CAMP®. Boeing is proud to give teachers from across the U.S. and
around the world this exciting opportunity to learn what it is like to go
through astronaut training and to perform hands-on science experiments that
they can then teach their students. We know that these teachers will be more
effective in the classroom for having been a part of this program,” said

Besides experiencing the rigors of astronaut training, the teachers will
network with their colleagues and take back their enthusiasm and knowledge to
share with the young minds in their classrooms. Since 1992, more than 300
teachers have taken part in the program, reaching more than 23,000 students.

“SPACE CAMP® provides a learning environment where science, math, and
technology are explored and practiced through the mysteries and wonders of
space,” said Julie Ferriss, director of education at the U.S. Space & Rocket
Center and graduate of the Space Academy for Educators. “For educators, SPACE
CAMP® provides a place to become a learner again and to join with other
educators who share the same passions for teaching and learning.”

Boeing’s ongoing commitment to education includes charitable investments
in early learning through 12th grade, and higher education in 29 U.S. states,
as well as in primary and secondary education in 14 countries and two multi-
country regions outside the United States. We are committed to strategically
focusing our investments by concentrating on teacher effectiveness especially
in the areas of math, science, and literacy, and in school leadership.

With a heritage that mirrors the first 100 years of flight, The Boeing
Company provides products and services to customers in 145
countries. Boeing has been the premier manufacturer of commercial jetliners
for more than 40 years, and is a global market leader in military aircraft,
satellites, missile defense, human space flight, and launch systems and
services. Total company revenues for 2003 were $50.5 billion.