The President of Columbiad Launch Services Inc., Mr Richard Graf, announced today Columbiad’s has begun accepting requests to launch Scientific and Memorial flights into space from their new, advanced technology, ballistic launch system.

Columbiad Launch Services Inc. is a dynamic new commercial space launch company dedicated to providing affordable access to space for everyone. Columbiad is currently developing a fully portable Industrial Sounding System (ISS) which uses advanced ballistic propulsion technology to propel a variety of low cost launch vehicles into space for scientific research and memorial space flights.

Columbiad’s Industrial Sounding System is designed as a fully portable ballistic propulsion launch system which will consist of three tractor trailer units. The main unit will be a completely road portable, advanced technology launcher which will be capable of being set up at any road accessible launch site around the world. This is accompanied by two van trailers which contain all of the launch control and ancillary equipment needed to control and monitor a launch. This system will also serve as a prototype for a satellite launching system

Columbiad’s Industrial Sounding System (ISS) will launch three types of flight vehicles. The Arrow and Mosquito vehicles are designed as low cost, dart shaped, glide probes which use the ballistic launcher as a primary means of propulsion and will be capable of carrying payloads up to 100 km. The Dragonfly rocket assisted probe will use the ballistic launcher as a first stage and then uses an internal rocket motor as a second stage to carry payloads to satellite altitudes.

For further information please visit our new web site at or contact Mr. Richard Graf at (519atit49-0770 or at