Brussels, 30 October 2003
13424/03 (Presse 298)
Beijing, 30 October 2003

1. The Sixth Summit meeting between China and the European Union was held in Beijing on
30 October 2003. The event was hosted by Premier of the State Council Wen Jiabao of the
People’s Republic of China. The EU was represented by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of
Italy in his capacity as President of the European Council, President of the European
Commission Romano Prodi and High Representative for the EU Common Foreign and
Security Policy Javier Solana. President Hu Jintao of the People’s Republic of China met with
the visiting European leaders.

2. Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Li Zhaoxing, Minister in charge of National
Development and Reform Commission Ma Kai, Minister of Science and Technology
Xu Guanhua, Vice-Minister of Commerce Liao Xiaoqi, Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs
Franco Frattini and European Commissioner for Trade Pascal Lamy also participated in the

3. Leaders briefed each other on developments in China and the EU and had an in-depth
exchange of views on China-EU relations and international and regional issues of common
interest, and reached a broad consensus.

4. Leaders reviewed the development of China-EU relations and welcomed the progress made
since the Fifth Summit meeting in Copenhagen in September 2002. The two sides agreed that
their high-level political dialogues had been fruitful and the dialogues and consultations at
other levels had also further expanded in intensity and scope and such multi-layered structure
of China-EU relations is an indicator of the increasing maturity and growing strategic nature
of the partnership.

5. Leaders welcomed the signing of the GALILEO Satellite Navigation Cooperation Agreement
and the initialling of the Memorandum of Understanding on Approved Destination Status.
Leaders considered both to be significant milestones in their expanding bilateral relations and
looked forward to their early implementation. The Agreement on GALILEO opens the way to
the participation of China in this strategic programme and the Memorandum of Understanding
on Approved Destination Status, including the Joint Declarations concerning Denmark,
United Kingdom and Ireland, opens the way to facilitating Chinese group tourism in the EU.

6. Underlining the success of the existing dialogue on regulation for industrial products, leaders
also welcomed the newly established dialogue on industrial policy that aims at ensuring a
business-friendly level playing field for industrial operators and at contributing to smooth and
sustainable trade relations between the EU and China. The dialogue will encourage
contributions from both Chinese and European companies.

7. Leaders welcomed the recent issuing of policy papers on China-EU relations by both sides.
The two policy papers recognise the satisfaction of both sides with the dynamic progress of
their relationship, identify their respective policy objectives and propose new initiatives in
many areas. Leaders believe that the two policy papers, which set the agenda for the future
direction of China-EU relations, will provide considerable additional momentum to the
relationship. A considerable number of common priorities were identified including further
strengthening the exchange of high-level visits and political dialogue, reinforcing cooperation
on economic and trade and major international and regional issues, and increasing cooperation
at the multilateral level. They also noted the draft European Security Strategy Paper, in which
China features as one of the key partners for the EU’s strategic security relationships.

8. Leaders reaffirmed China and the EU’s commitment to promoting peace, security and
sustainable development throughout the world, and stood for a strengthened UN role in this
regard. Leaders expressed concern about the destabilising effect of regional conflicts. They
reaffirmed their active support for the peace process in the Middle East and stressed the need
for Iraq’s early resumption of sovereignty and reconstruction. Leaders exchanged the views
about the political situation in Myanmar.

9. China and the EU attach high importance to multilateral non-proliferation, arms control and
disarmament and leaders emphasised the need for bilateral dialogue on these issues. Both
sides expressed, in particular, their support for efforts to promote non-proliferation of WMD
in the Korean Peninsula. In this context, the EU side welcomed China’s important role in the
six-party Beijing talks on DPRK nuclear issue, which was held in August 2003, and fully
supports China and all parties involved in their efforts to facilitate a peaceful solution to the
issue. The EU stressed its readiness to contribute to this process. Both sides also stressed their
support to the International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards.

10. The EU side reaffirmed that it continues to adhere to the one China policy and expressed its
hope for a peaceful resolution of the Taiwan question through constructive dialogue. The
Chinese side appreciated the EU’s commitment to the one China policy and reiterated its
principled position on the settlement of the Taiwan question in accordance with the basic
principle of “peaceful reunification and one country, two systems”.

11. The two sides welcomed the achievements of their human rights dialogue and agreed to
continue their ongoing dialogue on human rights on the basis of equality and mutual respect
and reconfirmed their commitment to work towards achieving more meaningful and positive
results on the ground. They also underlined their respect for international human rights
standards provided for in relevant international human rights instruments and to cooperate
with UN human rights mechanisms. They also noted the importance of the International
Criminal Court in the global fight against genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Furthermore, leaders confirmed their commitment to further enhance cooperation in the field
of human rights.

12. The two sides reiterated their commitment to the fight against terrorism and agreed that this is
an issue of common concern, requiring coordination and cooperation both bilaterally and
multilaterally, while stressing the need to comply with the basic principles governing
international relations and safeguarding human rights. In this context, they referred to the
recent successful ASEM seminar on Anti-Terrorism held on 22-23 September 2003 in
Beijing. Leaders stressed the key role of the United Nations with respect to counter-terrorism,
and the importance of universal implementation of the international counter-terrorism
Conventions and relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

13. Following their discussions at the ASEM Summit in Copenhagen in September 2002 on the
“Dialogue of Cultures and Civilisations” from Asia and Europe, leaders welcomed the ASEM
Ministerial Meeting on this subject to be hosted by China in December 2003.

14. Leaders reaffirmed their commitment to environmental protection and endeavoured to expand
the dialogue. They acknowledged the progress which had been achieved since the last
Summit. Both sides stressed the importance of further follow-up on the World Summit on
Sustainable development and of enhancing cooperation in the context of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol. They expressed the hope
for strengthening cooperation in the protection of ecological environment in the course of the
development of China’s western region, and reaffirmed their support for the China-EU
Environmental Ministers’ Dialogue Mechanism.

15. Leaders emphasised the need to enhance cooperation in facing trans-national challenges in the
field of justice and home affairs. They acknowledged the importance of China-EU operational
cooperation to combat illegal migration and trafficking in human beings. Leaders took note of
the progress made in this field, in particular the positive result of the fourth round of the
China-EU High Level Consultations on the fight against illegal migration and trafficking in
human beings held in Beijing on 28 October 2003, and reiterated their commitment to deepen
this cooperation and make it more results-oriented. The EU side stressed the need of an early
launch of exploratory discussions on a future China-EU readmission agreement.

16. On the China-EU cooperation programme they welcomed the progress being made in several
areas, notably with regard to China’s reform process. The EU side expressed its wish to see
more rapid progress in other areas of the programme, particularly those concerning
cooperation on combating illegal migration and support for NGOs. With timely
communication, the Chinese side encourages the EU side to establish closer cooperation with
relevant Chinese ministries in an effort to enhance efficiency.

17. Leaders welcomed the continued growth of China-EU trade and agreed that its further
expansion should take place in a balanced and mutually beneficial manner. The two sides
reiterated their willingness to address in a positive spirit bilateral trade problems through
increased exchange of views and consultation and welcomed in this context the contribution
of enhanced bilateral sectoral dialogues.

18. The two sides stressed the importance of foreign direct investment and the need for further
increase of investment flows in both directions.

19. Leaders shared their regret that the WTO Ministerial Meeting in Cancun had not produced a
successful outcome. They reaffirmed their commitment to a strong rules-based and equitable
multilateral trading system and to a successful conclusion of the multilateral trade
negotiations launched in Doha. They agreed to pursue and deepen the bilateral dialogue on
WTO issues.

20. The two sides stressed the importance of full and timely implementation of WTO obligations,
which serves the common interests of China, the EU and all their WTO partners. The EU side
reaffirmed its will to continue and intensify its efforts to support China, both through
cooperation programmes and through dialogue in key areas.

21. Leaders noted the need to promote smooth adjustment to imbalances in global trade and
capital flows and.

22. Leaders welcomed the recent progress achieved on several sectoral agreements and expressed
particular satisfaction with the China-EU maritime transport agreement which had been
signed in December 2002 and has now been ratified by the Chinese side and endorsed by the
European Parliament in its opinion.

23. The two sides expressed their satisfaction with progress in China-EU scientific and
technological cooperation and its expansion under the EU’s Sixth Framework Programme on
Research and Technological Development (2002-2006). They especially welcomed the new
initiatives launched to fight against SARS and other infectious diseases.

24. Both sides hoped that start-up of negotiations on an agreement between the Government of
the People’s Republic of China and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM)
on cooperation in peaceful uses of nuclear energy would soon make progress. They further
welcomed the ongoing negotiations for the establishment of the ITER organisation
(international fusion energy organisation) between the EU, China and the other international

25. Both sides expressed their hope for an early conclusion of a customs cooperation agreement,
and looked forward to starting negotiations very soon, with the common aim of concluding
the agreement in the first half of 2004. They agreed that such an agreement should cover
mutual administrative assistance on customs matters, particularly in the field of combat
against commercial frauds, a major concern for both sides.

26. The EU side emphasised the need to develop a new framework for EU-China civil aviation
relations in order to take account of recent legal developments. Both sides looked forward to
widening and deepening their relations and cooperation.

27. Leaders stressed the importance of strengthening and expanding sectoral dialogues on a wide
range of other issues. Existing dialogues cover key sectors such as energy, the environment,
regulatory and industrial policy, the information society and exchanges on the “Digital
Olympics”. Increasing interest in this type of cooperation has led to plans for new dialogues
on competition, intellectual property rights, macro-economic questions, health, employment
and education. Both sides underlined the mutual benefits of such exchanges between their

28. Leaders expressed their satisfaction with the positive outcome of this Sixth Summit meeting.
They stressed their resolve to further expand and deepen China-EU relations, guided by the
two policy papers, which promote the development of an overall strategic partnership between
China and the EU.