A Boeing Delta II rocket is
scheduled to launch the first of two Mars Exploration Rover (MER) missions for
NASA on June 8.

The launch of MER-A will occur at an instantaneous window of 2:05:55 p.m.
EDT from Space Launch Complex 17A, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla. A
second launch opportunity exists on June 8 at 2:44:07 p.m. EDT, if necessary.

MER-A will be launched aboard a Delta II 7925-9.5 configuration launch
vehicle and will be deployed approximately 37 minutes after liftoff.

The second of the two missions, MER-B, is scheduled for launch on June 25,
also from Cape Canaveral.

The primary goals of the MER missions are to: determine if life existed on
Mars; characterize the climate of Mars; characterize the geology of Mars; and
prepare for human exploration of Mars.

Notes to Editors:

A Boeing Web media kit containing mission information is available at:
http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/delta/delta2/mera/ .

Updated launch information is available on the Boeing Launch Hotline at:
(714) 896-4770.

NASA will host a pre-launch press conference on June 7 at the Kennedy
Space Center News Center auditorium beginning at 1:00 p.m. EDT.

Accredited photographers wishing to place remote cameras at the launch pad
should meet at the South gate of Cape Canaveral A.F.S. at 2:30 p.m. on June 7.

A photo opportunity of the launch pad tower rollback and the launch
vehicle will be available. Accredited media and photographers should meet at
the South gate of Cape Canaveral A.F.S. at 5:30 a.m. EDT on launch day.

Boeing and NASA will host a launch viewing site for the media. Accredited
media should meet at the South gate of Cape Canaveral A.F.S. at 12:00 noon on
launch day.

NASA will televise the launch on NASA Select. NASA will also Web cast the
launch on NASA Direct! at: http://www.ksc.nasa.gov/nasadirect/index.htm .
Additional information is available at:
http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/MM_NTV_Web.html .