The past two days have been busy for launch team personnel at the Spaceport
as two Ariane 5 launchers were repositioned in preparation for Arianespace
Flight 160.

The vehicle for Flight 158 – which is awaiting its assignment for an
upcoming launch – was moved from the final assembly building to the launch
zone yesterday. This cleared the way for Flight 160’s Ariane to transfer
from the integration building to the final assembly facility, where it will
be fitted with its dual-satellite payload.

Flight 158’s Ariane rolled out to the launch zone on March 24, allowing the
Flight 160 vehicle to move into the final assembly facility. The Flight 158
launcher will be used on an upcoming Arianespace mission.
The movement of Ariane vehicles within the Spaceport is facilitated by the
use of a dual rail system that links the major vehicle preparation sites
with the launch zone.

This Ariane 5G+ version will carry India’s INSAT 3A satellite, built by the
Indian Space Research Organisation, along with GALAXY XII, an Orbital
Sciences Corporation spacecraft manufactured for PanAmSat.

Liftoff of Flight 160 is scheduled for early April.