The final Ariane 4 launch campaign is now underway as the vehicle for
Flight 159 takes shape at the Spaceport in French Guiana.

Erection of the first stage occurred on January 11, and was quickly followed
by integration of the second stage. This activity occurred in the vertical
assembly building at the ELA-2 launch complex.

Liftoff of the Ariane 4 is set for February 11 with the Intelsat 907

Flight 159’s Ariane 4 will be configured in the 44L version, equipped with
four strap-on liquid propellant boosters for augmented thrust during liftoff
and the initial ascent. The historic final flight is the 40th of an Ariane 4
in the 44L configuration.

Service with the Ariane 4 began in June 1988. During its highly successful
operational lifetime, the workhorse launcher demonstrated Arianespace’s
capability to match up and launch multiple spacecraft on a single mission.
This proven procedure will continue with even larger satellites on the
successor Ariane 5.