Eutelsat regrets tonight’s failure of the Ariane ECA launch vehicle and the loss of its
HOT BIRD 7 broadcast satellite, which comes after 16 consecutive successful
launches for the company.

HOT BIRD 7 was designed as an early replacement to HOT BIRDä 3 at Eutelsat’s 13
degrees East position as part of the company’s objective to maintain a young average
age of the satellites at its premium broadcasting position. The unavailability of the
satellite does not impact on broadcasts by Eutelsat’s clients at 13 degrees East nor the
audience of viewers receiving channels through cable or satellite reception. Eutelsat will
continue service at 13 degrees East with HOT BIRD 3, which is providing very good
performance and operating perfectly satisfactorily with a remaining expected life of 10
years. The company will now also review the mission of HOT BIRD 8, which is in the
final design stage in order to take into account the loss of HOT BIRD 7.

Eutelsat shares the disappointment of its partners in Europe’s space industry who
worked hard on this project, in particular Arianespace and Astrium, as well as with the
insurance community who supported this launch.

Launch failure risks were fully mitigated to ensure that Eutelsat does not incur any direct
financial loss.

Press contacts:

Vanessa O’Connor :
Frédérique Gautier :
Tél : 01 53 98 38 88 –