The launch campaign for Arianespace’s first “10 ton” Ariane 5 has entered
its final phase as the dual satellite payload is integrated with the
heavy-lift launch vehicle.

France’s Stentor telecommunications demonstrator was installed atop the
Ariane 5 today – positioned in the lower payload position on the launcher’s
cryogenic central core.

Yesterday, the HOT BIRDTM 7 spacecraft was installed inside Ariane 5’s
bullet-shaped fairing, readying it for placement as the upper payload on
Flight 157.

The Stentor satellite is placed on the adapter that will serve as the
installation interface with Ariane 5. This activity took place in the S5
satellite preparation facility – one of the most modern launch base
preparation centers in the world. Stentor is a CNES French space agency
program that brings together the French DGA defense procurement agency,
Alcatel Space, EADS and Astrium to demonstrate a wide range of technologies
for future geostationary telecommunications satellites.

Stentor will be the second payload to be released during Flight 157, with
its separation to occur approximately 35 minutes after liftoff.

HOT BIRDTM 7 uses Astrium’s Eurostar 2000+ satellite bus and will have a
mass at liftoff of 3,350 kg. Its 40 Ku-band transponders are to provide
coverage over Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

HOT BIRDTM 7 will be the first payload deployed during Flight 157, released
from the launcher at about 27 minutes into the mission.