Critical systems’
software designed, developed and maintained by The Boeing Co.
for the International Space Station has successfully
completed a key milestone toward a world-class rating from the
Software Engineering Institute (SEI).

The certification is one of several levels that must be completed
in the rigorous process to reach the SEI’s world-class capability
maturity model level 5. The software is a critical component because
it controls the orbiting vehicle’s operations, including more than 60
computers dedicated to maintaining the 168-ton space station’s
attitude as it orbits the Earth once every 90 minutes, and controlling
such functions as electronic equipment and life-support systems for
the three-person crew. The first element of the space station was
launched in November 1998.

“It takes a world-class software system to operate the
International Space Station (ISS) safely and effectively,” said Maria
Montemayor, manager of Boeing avionics and software productivity, who
managed the Houston team throughout the certification process. “This
was a monumental achievement. It’s helping us to better position
ourselves and our customers to meet the challenges of the 21st

The Houston team is part of NASA Systems, a business unit of
Boeing Integrated Defense Systems based in St. Louis. Boeing is NASA’s
prime contractor on the International Space Station.

Last year the team began the rigorous process to achieve the SEI’s
highest rating, level 5. Achieving level 3 means the team has
processes in place that lessen the chances of defective products,
reduce the product development cycle time, and improve communications
among team members. Normally, it takes 18 months to achieve each level
of the five-step certification, but 24 months after starting the group
received a level 3 assessment rating.

The team’s next challenge is achieving levels 4 and 5 ratings.
Level 5 will certify the software system as being world-class — a
system that has processes in place to reduce product defects, allow
quick and accurate software modification, enable accurate prediction
of cost and schedules, and reduce the learning curve for new people to
the Boeing software group.

A unit of The Boeing Co., Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, is
one of the world’s largest space and defense businesses. With
headquarters in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $23
billion business. It provides systems solutions to its global
military, government and commercial customers.

It is a leading provider of intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance; the world’s largest military aircraft manufacturer;
the world’s largest satellite manufacturer and a leading provider of
space-based communications; the primary systems integrator for U.S.
missile defense; NASA’s largest contractor; and a global leader in
launch services.