First Announcement

Fifth IAA International Conference on Low-Cost Planetary Missions

24-26 September 2003

ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands


The Fifth IAA International Conference on Low-Cost Planetary Missions is
designed to provide a forum for scientists, engineers, managers, and agency
representatives to exchange information, in-flight results, and present new
ideas about small-scale planetary missions.

Several important milestones in terms of low-cost planetary missions will be
achieved within the next years, including the following missions:

  • July 2002: CONTOUR (NASA Discovery)
  • December 2002: MUSES C
  • February 2003: LUNAR A
  • March 2003: SMART-1
  • January2004: Deep Impact (NASA Discovery)
  • July 2004 Messenger (NASA Discovery)
  • May 2006: Dawn (NASA Discovery)
  • SELENE (ISAS Technology Mission)


The Conference will focus on the latest developments and the future outlook
for low-cost planetary programmes. A goal of the Conference is to expand
cooperative efforts throughout the global scientific community. Areas of
interest include, but are not limited to:

* Mission Categories

  • o Lunar
  • o Earth-like planets and moons
  • o Outer planets
  • o Comets and asteroids
  • o Interplanetary (and deep space)
  • Solar probes

* Space Technology

  • Low-cost spacecraft concepts
  • Sensors and instrumentation
  • Spacecraft subsystems, landers, entry technologies
  • Miniaturisation

* Mission Planning and Operations

  • Mission design
  • Spacecraft operations
  • Tracking and data return
  • Ground segment

* Delivery Systems

  • Launch vehicles
  • Piggyback concepts
  • Advanced propulsion techniques

* Management Approach

  • Opportunities for cooperative undertakings
  • Model philosophy
  • Organisation
  • Risk assessment
  • Validation test philosophy
  • Success criteria
  • Cost/schedule trade-offs

The Conference will consist of:

  • Lectures by invited speakers
  • Contributed papers
  • Poster papers
  • Panel d iscussions
  • Conclusions and recommendations.


  • 15 June 2002 First Announcement
  • 7 October 2002 Second Announcement and Call
  • for Papers
  • 31 March 2003 Abstracts due
  • 5 May 2003 Notification to authors
  • 6 June 2003 Final Announcement and
  • preliminary agenda
  • 8 September 2003 Preprints due
  • 24-26 September 2003Conference dates


  • European Space Agency (ESA)
  • International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)


  • Centre National d?Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
  • The German Space Agency (DLR)
  • Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)
  • American Astronautical Society (AAS)
  • Institute of Space & Astronautical Science (ISAS)
  • National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)
  • Russian Space Research Institute (IKI)
  • The Planetary Society

General Chairmen

  • David Southwood (ESA, Paris)
  • Stamatios M. Krimigis (JHU/APL, USA)
  • Hiroki Matsuo (ISAS, Japan)

Honorary Chairman

  • Edward C. Stone (CALTECH, USA)

Programme Committee

  • Constantinos Stavrinidis, Chairman (ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands)
  • Robert Farquhar (JHU/APL, USA)
  • Margaret Simon (JHU/APL, USA)
  • Arnoldo Valenzuela (Media Lario, Italy)
  • Roberto Stalio (ASI, Italy)
  • Ludwig Baumgarten (DLR, Germany)
  • John Beckman (JPL, USA)
  • Jacques Blamont (CNES, France)
  • Richard Bonneville (CNES, France)
  • Richard Creasey (ESA/ESTEC The Netherlands)
  • John Credland ( ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands)
  • Michael Eiden (ESA/ESTEC,The Netherlands)
  • Coleen Hartmann (NASA HQ, USA)
  • Manuel Grande (RAL, Great-Britain)
  • Hitoshi Mizutani (ISAS, Japan)
  • Jesse Moore (Ball Aerospace, USA)
  • Andy Phipps (SSTL, Great-Britain)
  • Peter Rathsman (SSC, Sweden)
  • Edoardo Re (Tecnospazio, Italy)
  • Kuninori Uesugi (ISAS, Japan)
  • Amnon Ginati (ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands)
  • Jozef van der Ha (Consultant, Germany)

Conference Committee

  • Jean-Michel Contant (IAA, France)
  • Gordon Whitcomb (ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands)
  • Wolfgang Baumjohann (Univ. Graz, Austria)
  • Geoff Briggs (NASA/AMES, USA)
  • Robert Brown (STScI, USA)
  • Marcello Coradini (ESA, France)
  • Al Diaz (NASA/GSFC, USA)
  • Charles Elachi (NASA/JPL, USA)
  • Louis Friedman (The Planetary Society, USA)
  • Albert Galeev (IKI, Russia)
  • Bruno Gardini (ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands)
  • Alvaro Gimenez (ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands)
  • Gerhard Haerendel (I. U.Bremen, Germany)
  • Niels Jensen (ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands)
  • Jun?ichiro Kawaguchi (ISAS, Japan)
  • Denis Moura (CNES, France)
  • Franco Ongaro (ESA/HQ, France)
  • Anthony Peacock (ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands)
  • Michel Rougeron (CNES, France)
  • Roald Sagdeev (Univ. of MD, USA)
  • Gerhard Schwehm (ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands)
  • Karoly Szego (KFKI, Hungary)

Conference & Programme Coordinator

  • ESTEC Conference Bureau
  • PO Box 299
  • 2200 AG Noordwijk
  • The Netherlands
  • Tel.: +31-71-565 5005
  • Fax.: +31-71-565 5658